ENEA Technology
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Innovations and Benefits
Design, support to fabrication, and qualification tests of solar facilities components, using molten-salt mixtures as thermal vector fluid and storage material.
This technology aims to achieve better performance and reliability of components, to produce highly-efficient and low-cost thermal energy and electricity.
Components and systems of molten-salt solar facilities (solar receiver tubes, flexible hoses, rotation joints, valves, storage tanks, steam generator, equipments), to produce heat and electricity by hybrid solar plants (integrated by biomass or biofuel powered boiler), with co-generation systems (production of electricity, heat for industrial application, air-conditioning of buildings, desalination facilities).
Applications and ongoing Activities
ENEA is endowed of expertise and infrastructures for development and qualification, in laboratory and in operating conditions, of components and systems for molten-salt facilities. Such expertise and infrastructures are used under national and European Research Programs, in collaboration with several manufacturing companies. To mention a few: ASE (Archimede Solar Energy), MTU (Meccano Tecnica Umbra), Astroflex, Lanaro Costruzioni Meccaniche, Reflex, D.D. Costruzioni Meccaniche, Fumagalli, Soltigua, Enerray, Ingeco, Gabbioneta, Glynwed, Ofmeco.
“If you are interested in this technology/service, please send a message to eneaperlinnovazione@enea.it, by specifying the title of the technology/service of your interest, the reason for your request and your contacts or the contacts of a person from your organization/company.