
ENEA Technology


Technology Readiness Level (TRL)


Innovations and Benefits

Natural polymers are intended, where possible, to supplant polymeric materials of petrochemical origin. The environmental damage caused by plastics has led to a profound rethinking of their use (see EU green report). The use of biodegradable polymers has the advantage that their mineralization is rapid. One example above all: the Polylactate (PLA) which is replacing the PS in the "disposable" sector.


Functionalized natural polymers allow: the creation of compounds able to act selectively in the separation of metals and/or compounds, the creation of packaging with the function of increasing the food storage time or in the slow release of active substances.

Applications and ongoing Activities

Activities are currently underway, with La Sapienza University of Rome, on the use of natural polymers (chitosan, xanthan, chitin, etc.) for the creation of membranes and composite materials for the selective separation of metal ions such as Cr, Pt and Cu or organic substances (industrial dyes). The addition of natural antioxidants such as hydroxytyrosol extracted from the oil industry wastewater has given the synthesized composite material specific antibacterial and sequestrant properties against metal ions such as copper.
While the encapsulation of natural substances with particular phytosanitary or phytostimulant properties determines their slow release. These properties are highly appreciated in the floriculture sector, confined spaces, where some experiments are underway.

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