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Innovations and Benefits

The Green Economy (GE) is a new economic model based on a more sustainable use and supply of resources with a reduction of environmental and social impacts. An emerging approach is the Sustainable Transition which facilitates participatory, bottom-up processes for the behavioral change towards sustainable consumption models.


The transition to the GE must innovate production cycles and lead to changes in lifestyles through: innovation in the recycled material markets, eco-compatible design, industrial symbiosis, new business and consumption models. The systemic and participatory process involves: research, citizens, companies, institutions. The different theories of Sustainable Transition (e.g. Transition Management and Strategic Niche Management) promote the design of transition experiments in various contexts (urban, organizations) for a systemic transformation, with the creation of strategic niches of socio-technical innovation to facilitate change towards sustainable systems.

Applications and ongoing Activities

States General of the GE: with the main associations of "green" Italian companies, they promote a new orientation of the Italian economy towards a GE. ENEA has been coordinating the WG on eco-innovation and has been participating in the drafting of the GE annual reports since 2012. Furthermore, two issues of the ENEA magazine were dedicated to the work of the WG (EAI 5/2013, EAI 5/2014).

GreenER - States General of the GE in Emilia Romagna: regional route based on three specific initiatives according to the model of the European flagship initiatives within the Europe 2020 strategy. ENEA participates in these initiatives on the following topics: low carbon economy and energy efficiency; circular economy and natural capital; eco companies, competitiveness and attractiveness.

Climate KIC: ENEA participates in this European transition Program towards a low-carbon company through innovation projects on resource management issues, city development and 'zero carbon' production systems.

CUSTOM The Green economy and transition service can be flexibly adapted to different needs and contexts

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