
ENEA Technology


Technology Readiness Level (TRL)


Innovations and Benefits

Minor recurrence of tumors, thanks to the possibility of locally imparting a high dose of radiation during surgery, through the use of radio frequency linear accelerators for electrons. Linear accelerators operate in S-band, with characteristics of compactness and capacity for self-focusing, that make them suitable to be mounted on a robotic arm required for their handling.


Intra-operative radiation therapy (IORT) applications. Irradiation of the tumor or tumor bed immediately after surgery in the operating theater.

Applications and ongoing Activities

Decades long experience in the realization and testing of linear electron accelerators. IORT technology transferred to the company SIT-Sordina IORT Technologies SpA for the marketing of two products (NOVAC 7 and LIAC) on the international market. Compact systems with modest demands for shielding. Development activities in the accelerator miniaturization and dedicated sources.

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