Advanced Service Available
Innovations and Benefits
The service allows to carry out seismic tests on shaking tables for the verification of materials and technologies for the seismic protection of civil, industrial, historic buildings and monuments, together with the seismic tests of sub-structures and scale models, in order to evaluate the isolation/dissipation performances of anti-seismic devices and cracking patterns of the structural parts of buildings.
Experimental verifications of anti-seismic construction technologies for civil engineering and of conservation interventions for cultural heritage. The anti-seismic technologies can be applied both to existing buildings and cultural heritage and to newly built buildings.
Applications and ongoing Activities
• Signing of an agreement between ENEA and Polo Museale Fiorentino for the design of the anti-seismic basement of the “David” by Michelangelo in Florence.
• Seismic tests on shaking table of models of buildings equipped with structural reinforcements at the beam-column nodes through "Pilastrino Midollo".
• Seismic tests on scale model of macro structural elements of the cathedtal of S. Irene (Istanbul) and S. Nicolò L’arena (Catania).
• Seismic tests on shaking table of the scale model of the obelisk of Piazza S. Giovanni in Laterano.
• Anti-seismic basements of the Bronzes of Riace.
• Anti-seismic basement of the statue of S. Michele Arcangelo (Orvieto).
• Sculpture group of the Majesty with Angels and Canopy (Orvieto).
• Fercolo S. Giovanni Battista (Genoa).
CUSTOM The service of shaking tables can be flexibly adapted to different needs and contexts
“If you are interested in this technology/service, please send a message to eneaperlinnovazione@enea.it, by specifying the title of the technology/service of your interest, the reason for your request and your contacts or the contacts of a person from your organization/company.