M72, F42

Advanced Service Available


Innovations and Benefits

By using climatic chambers in a few months tests the lifetime of a material subject to environmental stress can be compressed with many significant benefits in terms of: final costs saving; possible materials selection and assembly techniques; possible prevention and control of the damage due to environmental alterations; safety assessment of the aging of structures and components; reduction of possible defects or decrease in performance based on the different climatic conditions.


The Laboratory performs the technological characterization and qualification of structures, materials and components compared to their durability over time in a wide range of operative sectors, from automotive to aeronautics to industry. The six available climatic chambers allow to simulate all the possible environmental stresses to which  materials can be subject to during their lifetime.
The interpretation of direct and indirect results (mechanical and chemical characterization at different aging intervals) allows to choose ex ante the best combination among materials, installation and environment as related to: UV temperature with controlled humidity; corrosion in salt-fog; frost-thaw; humid atmosphere with SO2;  solar irradiation.

Applications and ongoing Activities

Study of degradation of concrete materials fiber-reinforced with inorganic natural fibers (basalt fiber) - Project PON01_01522. Development of autoclaved aerated concrete fiber-reinforced with biofibers (hemp fibers) and basalt fibers – Research Contract Agreement ‘Area Science Park’. Verification of the behavior of thermoplastic materials fiber-reinforced with carbon and glass fibers against environmental stresses due to temperate, tropical and polar climat – Consulting by Magneti Marelli s.p.a. Verification of corrosion resistance of aluminum foam sandwich panels - Project MATEFF–P.O. FESR Basilicata 2007-2013.


CUSTOM Thanks to its flexibility, the simulated aging service can be adjusted to different needs and contexts

Contact person

“If you are interested in this technology/service, please send a message to, by specifying the title of the technology/service of your interest, the reason for your request and your contacts or the contacts of a person from your organization/company.