ENEA Technology

Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Innovations and Benefits
Development, optimization, setting up of biological processes aimed at the recovery of materials and energy from organic matrices of municipal and/or industrial origin in a circular economy perspective aimed at water system closure and economic and environmental sustainability of the productive and local systems.
Integration of biological systems for the production of methane with "power to gas" (P2G) systems from renewable sources.
Conducting of trials at different demonstration scales (laboratory, bench, pilot), that is in full scale.
- Optimization of process cycles in urban and productive environments, through the introduction of systems aimed at the recovery of materials and energy.
- Design and optimization of anaerobic treatment plants fed with biodegradable organic matrices (wastewater, waste, by-products).
- Recovery of resources and production of high quality fertilizers and organic compounds with high added value (organic solvents).
- Setting up of automatic control schemes and development of decision support systems.
- Analysis of the efficiency of pre-treatment technologies (biological, mechanical, chemical-physical) of civil wastewater, sewage sludge and waste streams coming from the agro-industrial sector, for a subsequent valorization of energy and materials.
Applications and ongoing Activities
- Implementation of experimental facilities on a laboratory and pilot scale for the energy and materials exploitation of organic matrices through anaerobic processes, at the service of different production realities (anaerobic degradability tests, optimization of energy yields, assessments of bio-methane and bio-hydrogen production potential, development and setting up of innovative technologies).
- Evaluation of the efficiency of mechanical and enzymatic pre-treatment technologies of substrates from the agro-industrial sector in full-scale biogas plants.
- Collaboration with companies for the development of technologies and analytical methods aimed at the optimization of biological treatment processes (both aerobic and anaerobic).
“If you are interested in this technology/service, please send a message to eneaperlinnovazione@enea.it, by specifying the title of the technology/service of your interest, the reason for your request and your contacts or the contacts of a person from your organization/company.