Advanced Service Available
Innovations and Benefits
They allow monitoring and controls with high efficiency and rapidity, providing superior reliability compared to the systems currently on the market and at lower costs thanks to the particular management technique and the high number of active devices. The system does not require expensive deployment and assistance systems such as a support vessel available at all times.
Environmental checks, anti-intrusion safety checks both on the surface and under water, anti-pollution checks, search for materials dispersed in the sea.
Applications and ongoing Activities
Two application projects are being launched in two sites currently undisclosed.
CUSTOM Thanks to its flexibility, the service can be adjusted to different needs and contexts
“If you are interested in this technology/service, please send a message to eneaperlinnovazione@enea.it, by specifying the title of the technology/service of your interest, the reason for your request and your contacts or the contacts of a person from your organization/company.