I55, I56, N82, O84
Advanced Service Available
Innovations and Benefits
Environmental certification refers to a complex of voluntary tools to be added to the mandatory ones to give real effectiveness and application to sustainable development policies. The innovative element lies in the principles from which they draw inspiration, as the sharing of responsibilities in the management of environmental problems, the integrated approach towards the activities generating impacts and the involvement of different stakeholders for the creation of market mechanisms that connect environmental excellence, spending review and competitive advantage.
Support to the Public Administration and the productive system in the implementation of International, European and National directives, regulations and voluntary standards; Environmental audits; Environmental reporting referring both to the territories (Environmental Analysis of production districts) and to the production and service organizations; participation in the technical committees of the commissions for the definition of Standards and Guidelines in the field of management of environmental aspects and certification (UNI working groups, etc.).
Applications and ongoing Activities
Projects for testing and application of new models of environmental and management certification systems or the extension of product certifications to further product sectors; development and management of innovative eco-labels, in collaboration with associations, public administrations and non-profit organizations; operational tools and innovative methodologies for the introduction of the "spending review" and "spending management" of environmental utilities in the company. Development of innovative training courses.
- STRATUS Project;
- Egadi Project;
- Technical regulatory tables of the UNI Environment Commission, for the development of innovative applications required by the High Level Structure (HSL) of the international standard;
- Technical support for the development / revision of the European Ecolabel criteria;
- Development of the Product Category Rules (PCR) of the international Environdec EPD system.
CUSTOM Thanks to its flexibility, the service can be adjusted to different needs and contexts
“If you are interested in this technology/service, please send a message to eneaperlinnovazione@enea.it, by specifying the title of the technology/service of your interest, the reason for your request and your contacts or the contacts of a person from your organization/company.