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Innovations and Benefits

Green Public Procurement (GPP) is a key tool of the European strategy on "Sustainable Consumption and Production" (COM 2008/397 Sustainable Consumption and Production and Sustainable Industrial Policy Action Plan). GPP was introduced in Italy in 2008 with the "GPP National Action Plan" which was based on the adoption, through ministerial decrees, of the Minimum Environmental Criteria (CAM) for different categories of products and services purchased or entrusted by the Public administration. CAMs are the environmental requirements (including the verification procedures) defined for the various stages of the purchase process, aimed at identifying the product or service with the best environmental profile throughout the life cycle. Italy was the first European country to make GPP mandatory in public purchases through the "Collegato Ambientale" (Law no. 221/2015). This obligation was then confirmed in the new Public Procurement Code which, in setting the "award criteria" in its purchasing procedures, explicitly refers to the concept of "life cycle cost".


GPP is an environmental policy tool that aims to encourage the development of a “green” market of products and services with reduced environmental impacts along the life cycle, through the lever of public demand. GPP can contribute to achieve the goals of the main European strategies, including a more efficient use of resources and the circular economy. The inclusion of GPP criteria in the procedures for the purchase of goods and services by the Public Administration, allows the reduction of impacts on the environment, the compliance with legislation and the rationalization of public spending.

Applications and ongoing Activities

Researchers from the ENEA Laboratory of Valorization of Resources (RISE) took part to the EU and national technical working groups for the definition of the GPP criteria for wood furniture, windows and buildings. RISE is partner of DECORUM (DEmolition and COnstruction Recycling Unified Management) project, which developed a multi-user platform to support the different actors who manage the phases of the life cycle of public works on the use of inert materials. RISE is also partner of CONDEREFF (Construction & demolition waste management policies for improved resource efficiency) project, aimed at improving the management of construction and demolition waste policies, including the application of GPP. Within the national ICESP platform which brings together institutions, companies, trade associations, universities, research bodies and citizens involved in various ways in circular economy, a construction and demolition working group was created and the application of GPP has been identified as a strategic priority. In addition, RISE actively participates in the "Construction and demolition waste working group" within the Observatory for the circular economy and the energy transition of the Lombardy Region.
Within the framework of ENEA and Ministry of Economic Development agreement, for the implementation of the REACH Regulation in Italy, the RISE laboratory has deepened the relationship between the REACH prescriptions and the more restrictive prescriptions of the GPP criteria for "Work shoes and leather accessories" and "Textiles".
Finally, in the context of the ARCADIA project, RISE is responsible for highlighting best practices and defining approaches aimed at promoting the use of Life Cycle Costing and more generally of life cycle thinking in tender procedures


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