ENEA Technology

Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Innovations and Benefits
The technology developed by ENEA as part of the ITER international nuclear fusion project allows you to produce three-dimensional images, also including surface reflectivity information.
The IVVS system (In Vessel Viewing System) was developed to be able to work in vacuum conditions, temperatures up to 120 °C, high magnetic field, presence of high doses of gamma ionizing radiations and neutrons.
Vision and metrology in hostile environments. Full power testing and inspection of equipment. It may have useful applications for space satellites (e.g. positioning).
Applications and ongoing Activities
A redesign of the system is underway to adapt it to all the operating conditions of the ITER experimental thermonuclear reactor. The system will be used for the inspection of ITER internal vessel components in order to highlight and map surface damage and erosion.
“If you are interested in this technology/service, please send a message to eneaperlinnovazione@enea.it, by specifying the title of the technology/service of your interest, the reason for your request and your contacts or the contacts of a person from your organization/company.