J60, J62
Advanced Service Available
Technology Readiness Level (TRL)
Innovations and Benefits
The Smart City Platform (SCP) project provide its citizens, municipalities and various stakeholders with an effective way of collecting data from the city and harmonizing them through a common language, for a smart redevelopment of urban and territorial contexts. This project launched by ENEA aims to help communication between users and platforms that speak different languages, interpret heterogeneous data correctly and without ambiguity, maintain existing technological solutions and make different data collection and management systems interoperable.
To this end, the following have been defined:
- a set of public specifications (“Smart City Platform Specification for interoperability layer”, SCPS) to use the common language and enable interoperable communication between heterogeneous solutions;
- a prototype of a city/district scale platform ("Smart City Platform", SCP) for retrieving data from the different solutions (Vertical Solutions) available in the city;
- a nationwide prototype platform ("inter Smart City Platform", inter-SCP) for retrieving data from various Smart Cities and for communicating with other platforms operating nationwide.
To adopt the SCP approach, based on public specifications, allows municipalities to ask to the managers of the vertical application contexts of the city, in the public tenders, to adhere to the SCPS specifications, in order to obtain periodic data relating the management: in this way the SCP becomes a horizontal dashboard for monitoring the vertical solutions present in the Smart City, favoring the replicability of these solutions and avoiding the lock-in with the main software producers.
The SCP prototype by ENEA is used in several research projects, both in experimental contexts (ENEA Casaccia and Bologna research centers) and in real contexts in agreement with municipalities (Ravenna, Livorno, Matera). Further applications are work in progress (Parma, Palermo, Umbria).
Applications and ongoing Activities
The completed activities are mainly related to:
- definition of the SCPS specifications for interoperability and their publication on the official website of the "SCP Project" initiative, https://smartcityplatform.enea.it/
- design and development of the SCP prototype based on SCPS specifications.
Currently SCPS and SCP are subject to consolidation and evolutionary development activities, as well as used in experimental contexts.
“If you are interested in this technology/service, please send a message to eneaperlinnovazione@enea.it, by specifying the title of the technology/service of your interest, the reason for your request and your contacts or the contacts of a person from your organization/company.