ENEA-AICS Framework Agreement: promotion, dissemination and technology transfer in the field of energy

Affordable and clean energy

For achieving the objectives

Agenda 2030

Under the ENEA-AICS Framework Agreement, ENEA provides operative support, technical consulting and project management instruments in the field of renewable energy for the management and coordination of the private-public partnership initiative named “Investment fund on energy and sustainable development”





ENEA Activities:

  • Specialized technical and scientific support in identifying pilot interventions for energy and sustainable development in those countries considered as a priority for the Italian Development Cooperation
  • Drawing up of the funding proposal for the approval of the fund and its management and operative procedures
  • Promotion of the initiative-related activities, dissemination of results, incentivisation of innovation in support of development cooperation, also through the research networks ENEA takes part in.


Status: In progress


Energy Technologies Department

ENEA Technology Sheet:
Diffusion of sustainable energy systems and energy efficiency