Quality education - Sustainable cities and communities - Climate action

For achieving the objectives

Agenda 2030

The project’s main aim is to build a new green building in the University Campus of Djibuti, where  all the best climate-friendly and sustainable solutions for energy efficiency are applied. The Technological Hall (Pepiniere) will also be an incubator for the Technicians and students of the University. The project is financed by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea and the Djibuti Ministry of the Environment.


Recipient country:



2017 - 2019


ENEA Activities:

  • Identification of technical solutions for sustainable building and nearly-zero-emission buildings for the design of the new green building and technical support for its construction
  • Collaboration with the University of Djibouti for on-site training of experts in sustainable construction and energy efficiency technologies
  • Involvement of national companies in technology transfer activities



Territorial and Production Systems Sustainability Department

ENEA Technology Datasheet:
Development and characterization of innovative building materials