Clean water and sanitation - Climate action

For achieving the objectives

Agenda 2030

Due to its small size and strong dependence on natural resources, the Republic of Palau is experiencing its own vulnerability to climate change. In 2016 it underwent an uninterrupted three-month drought that caused a state of emergency with strong water supply limits for human use. Furthermore the two main water sources, an artificial lake and a river, usually able to meet the population's water needs had been drained. The drought period also strongly impacted vegetation, with extensive areas of plant desiccation.

The project is to be considered a strategy of adaptation to extreme weather events, particularly to prolonged droughts associated to the effects of ENSO Oscillation.


Recipient country:

Republic of Palau, Micronesia


2017 - 2019


ENEA Activities:

  • carrying out a feasibility study for the identification of areas suitable for the retrieval of additional water sources, in particular through the excavation of new wells.
  • monitoring of the actual construction of the wells, the quality and flow of the water released and the maintenance of the pumps;
  • training of population and widespread dissemination of good practices for sustainable management of water resources.



Territorial and Production Systems Sustainability Department

ENEA Technology Datasheet:
Integrated water resources management