Responsible consumption and production

For achieving the objectives

Agenda 2030

ENEA designs and develops models of sustainable waste management to produce compost to be used as fertilizer in agriculture. In developing countries these models can be applied to waste collection, recycling, treatment and disposal activities that can be integrated and adjusted to local needs. Specifically:  community composting, particularly in urban and peri-urban areas (urban gardens), and promoting soil fertility recovery in the countryside


Egadi - "Smart Islands" Project
Benefits and Advantages:

  • Low cost and easy application
  • compost production
  • Development of qualified jobs


ENEA Service:

  • technical support
  • consulting
  • training
  • design
  • technology transfer targeted at compost production systems


ENEA Activities:

ENEA has designed and developed a small-sized community composter for recovery and exploitation of the on-site treatment of organic fractions in Favignana Island under the pilot project ”Smart Islands”. Such a technology can easily be transferred to small contexts as those of  Small Island Developing States (SIDS).


Sustainable management, city, urban settlements, human settlements, waste, waste collection, compost, technology, training.


Territorial and Production Systems Sustainability
Technologies for integrated waste, wastewater and secondary raw materials management Laboratory