Affordable clean energy - Sustainable cities and communities

For achieving the objectives

Agenda 2030

ENEA provides its know-how to design and develop hybrid PV heating and cooling systems to be integrated to a heat pump with a PV facility and a thermal and electric storage system. Thanks to RES-powered plant architectures increasing self-consumption, self-sufficient energy production values can be achieved in Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB).

Increasing energy self-production makes this technology particularly suitable to developing countries since it helps them to be ever less depending on other countries’ energy supply.


Benefits and advantages

  • Higher PV self-consumption up to over 70% thanks to integrated power storage systems;
  • Higher energy self-sufficiency for heating or cooling buildings up to 100% thanks to the integration of properly dimensioned thermal storage systems and logical regulation specifications of the power absorbed by the heat pump;
  • lower CO2 and M10 emissions.

ENEA Service

  • Technology transfer
  • Consulting
  • Training and guidelines


ENEA Activities

Programme Agreement between ENEA and the Italian Ministry for Economic Development on Electric System Research, 2019-21 Three-Year Plan


Keywords: Energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, heat pump, photovoltaics, electric storage, thermal storage, nearly zero-energy buildings


Energy Efficiency Unit Department