Affordable and clean energy - Sustainable cities and communities - Climate action

For achieving the objectives

Agenda 2030

ENEA elaborates renewable energy potential maps on whatever territory with variable horizontal resolutions, based on the size of the area of interest.

The maps can be integrated with topographic and socioeconomic layers, thus providing a useful tool to accurately plan the potential development of renewable energy sources.

Figura 1. Example of wind field on Lesotho at 1km resolution

Benefits and Advantages

  • Planning the use of renewable energy sources
  • Mitigation and containment of greenhouse gas emissions


ENEA Service

  • Elaboration of wind energy potential maps
  • Elaboration of photovoltaic energy potential maps
  • Elaboration of hydrographic maps for potential hydroelectric energy use


Attività ENEA

ENEA has a multi-year experience on mesoscale weather modelling (some tens to a few km spatial resolution) and hydrographic basins analysis. This know-how has been proposed in developing countries to create renewable energy potential maps (wind, photovoltaic and hydrolectric).


Wind energy; solar energy; hydroelectric energy


Territorial and Production Systems Sustainability Department
Atmospheric Pollution Laboratory; Prevention of Seismic and Hydrogeological Risk Laboratory