Zero Hunger - Good Health and Well-Being

For achieving the objectives

Agenda 2030

ENEA can plan and provide technical support for the realization of low-cost plants for the production of spirulina microalgae to be used as a cheap natural nutritional supplement for human consumption. The typical location for cultivation is a site with drinkable grade water availability, flat land and little shade around.


Spirulina tank made in Senegal at the experimental fields of the Gaston Bergé University, Saint Louis
Benefits and Advantages:

  • Production of nutritional supplements useful in case of children malnutrition.
  • Creation of qualified plant management skills


ENEA Service:

  • design
  • technology transfer
  • technical support
  • consulting
  • training


ENEA Activities:

(2013) Senegal - “FREDDAS Fonti d'energia rinnovabile per lo sviluppo sostenibile della valle del fiume Senegal” (i.e., Renewable energy sources for sustainable development of river Senegal’s valley). Leading partner: Green Cross Italia.  ENEA provided technical and scientific support for the realization of a spirulina microalgae production plant.


Spirulina, nutritional supplements, malnutrition, microalgae cultivation, food, immune system


Energy Technologies Department
Biomass and Biotechnology for Energy Laboratory