Life below water

For achieving the objectives

Agenda 2030

ENEA has developed a prototype of submersible spectrofluorimeter for water quality monitoring that can detect, in a few seconds, both dissolved and particulate components of water such as oils, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, proteins, dissolved organic matter, chlorophyll-a and other algal pigments. In Italy the sensor has been patented by ENEA with patent no. RM2013A000296.


Benefits and Advantages:

  • Easy-to-use compared to other devices
  • Smaller size and, consequently, lower energy consumption
  • Rapid diagnosis.


ENEA Service:

  • 07-idriche.jpgTechnology Transfer
  • Consulting, Technical Support
  • Training


Potential applications in developing countries:

The sensor, named SOMBRERO, makes use of LED-induced fluorescence and could be widely used in developing countries to evaluate the ecological state of water bodies, provided that simpler and miniaturized sensors are developed. This technology is available to any enterprises that might be interested in developing and putting it on the market.



Environmental monitoring, water bodies, light induced fluorescence, water quality of rivers, lakes, seas.


Fusion and Technology for Nuclear Safety and Security Department
Diagnostics and Metrology Laboratory