Sep 19, 2019
Predicting the response to treatment in patients with cervical cancer thanks to the outcomes of a multidisciplinary collaboration study among the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the Catholic University, the Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation and ENEA – Division of Technologies and Methodologies for Health Protection (in collaboration with ISPAAM-CNR).
Sep 19, 2019
ENEA and BioCubaFarma, a Cuban scientific and production group, have signed a memorandum of understanding that lays the foundations for new opportunities of joint development in the biopharmaceutical sector. The agreement was signed by the Ambassador of Cuba in Italy, José Carlos Rodríguez Ruiz, representing the President of BioCubaFarma Eduardo Martínez Diaz, and by the President of ENEA, Federico Testa.
Aug 01, 2019
Bernard Bigot, Director General of ITER International Organization, and Francesco Gnesotto, President of RFX Consortium (comprising the CNR, ENEA, INFN, University of Padua, Acciaierie Venete SpA), have signed a ten-year agreement for the experimentation, in Padua, of the most powerful neutral beam acceleration system ever made. In ITER, the temperature will reach 150 million degrees, necessary for the fusion reactor to occur and produce clean, sustainable and safe CO2-free energy.
Aug 01, 2019
Open-field experimentation in Rome with “sterilizer” male insects
Aug 01, 2019
Predicting electricity production from renewable sources up to three months for an increasingly efficient management of the electricity grid. It’s the objective of an innovative weather-climate service developed by the European project "Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Climate Predictions for Energy" (S2S4E), funded by the Horizon2020 program with almost 5 million euro and coordinated by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center in collaboration with 11 European partners including ENEA, and energy operators such as the French EDF.
Aug 01, 2019
In Italy there are highly qualified women in the energy sector who are being denied access to top positions. This is what emerges from the second report on gender equality in the sector, coordinated by ENEA as part of the Technology Collaboration Program of the International Energy Agency (IEA). The data show that our country has a good ranking position in scientific education with women accounting for 37% of the total graduates, with a maximum 40% reached by Sweden, which participated in the survey together with Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile and Finland.
Aug 01, 2019
Remodeling cities and territories in a smart perspective through a profound change in the management of infrastructures and strategic public services, with savings up to almost half a billion euro for lighting in Italian Municipalities. This is the ENEA proposal with the digital PELL platform, chosen by CONSIP for monitoring consumption and quantifying savings on the PA Electronic Market (MePA) and selected as a best practice to improve the European energy policy as part of a collaboration agreement between the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AgID) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC).
Aug 01, 2019
7th Rome Energy Efficiency Summer School, awarded diplomas to 50 young participants
Aug 01, 2019
Innovative sensors on drones, satellites and control towers to increase airspace safety and air quality forecasting models. This is what the project RPASinAir [1] funded with 8 million euro by the Ministry of Education, University and Research [2], involving ENEA as part of the Brindisi Aerospace Technology District [3] (leader), will carry out.
Jul 18, 2019
In the first quarter of the year, ISPRED index back in positive territory.
A significant leap forward in electricity production from wind and solar energy, which marked a + 24% in the first quarter of the year compared to the same period of 2018; hydroelectric production fell sharply (-12%) as well as energy consumption (-3%) and carbon dioxide emissions (-3%). This is the scenario outlined by the Quarterly ENEA Quarterly Analysis of the Italian Energy System, which shows that in the first quarter of 2019, non-programmable renewable sources reached 15.2% of electricity generation, reaching the historical maximum of 15.4% of the second half of 2016.
Jul 18, 2019
Testa: “Possible quality leap with the ecobonus for condos”. Investments for over 39 billion euro in energy redevelopment projects, of which 3.3 billions in 2018 alone, with cumulative savings of around 100 million Megawatt-hours (MWh). Briefly, this is the balance as of 2018 after 12 years of ecobonus, the mechanism introduced in 2007 to encourage energy efficiency in end uses.
Jul 18, 2019
Italian premiere for Battery2030 +, the Flagship project of the European strategy on latest generation storage systems for mobility and power grids, which focuses on research to increase the competitiveness of EU industry and reduce the gap with Asian producers. The Polytechnic University of Turin and ENEA, which participate in Battery2030 + for Italy in the "core board" and "supporting organizations" respectively, brought together the main protagonists of the sector (including the European Commission, Confindustria, CNR, Enel, FCA, RSE and Terna), at the presentation event in Rome organized under the aegis of System Research.
Jul 18, 2019
Using insects that feed on decomposing organic matter for producing advanced biofuels, innovative biodegradable materials or agricultural fertilizers (soil improvers). It’s the goal of a project conducted by a team of ENEA researchers at the Casaccia Center, aiming at feeding the larvae of a scavenger insect, a diptera known as "Black Soldier Fly" with food it craves, like sewage sludge from waste water, manure and waste from the agri-food industry or green management.
Jul 18, 2019, a web platform designed by ENEA to share experiences and tools to support the energy transition towards a low-carbon economy, has been launched. The new application was created as part of the European project IMEAS (Integrated and Multi-level Energy models for Alpine Space), of which ENEA is leader, to share new planning and implementation tools for the energy policies of the 7 Alpine Space Countries (Italy , France, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland and Liechtenstein).
Jul 18, 2019
The Chief Executive Officer of ACEA, Stefano Donnarumma, and the Chairman of ENEA (the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), Federico Testa, today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to launch a collaboration for the development of projects pertaining to the circular economy, with special reference to sustainable management of the waste and water resource cycle.
Jul 04, 2019
Assoimmobiliare - ENEA report on energy consumption in office buildings.
Air conditioning accounts for 57 percent of energy consumption in office buildings, followed by electrical equipment (26%) and lighting (17%). This is what emerges from the Assoimmobiliare - ENEA Report “Benchmark of energy consumption in office buildings in Italy”, which aims at providing companies with a self-assessment tool.
Jul 04, 2019
Using innovative mini 3D electrodes to monitor and stimulate pancreatic insulin production in the treatment of certain types of diabetes,. This is the objective of the project EMPATIC (EModulation of PAncreaTic Islet Cells) developed by a group of researchers in robotics, biomedical and neuromorphic engineering from New York University, Universität Zürich, CNR and ENEA as coordinator.
Jul 04, 2019
Italian share in world export under 2% against 9.9% in Germany and 5.3% in France.
Italy is ranked as the 15th of the 20 top exporters of hi-tech products in the world, with a market share slightly under 2%, behind smaller players such as the Netherlands (2.6%) and Belgium (2%) at a great distance from Germany (9.9%), France (5.3%) and the United Kingdom (4%).
Jul 04, 2019
Increasingly accurate satellite information and new Earth observation services will soon be available thanks to mini aerospace vehicles made with innovative material (weighing less than 500 kilos), and equipped with cutting-edge propulsion systems that allow them to operate in low orbits
Jul 04, 2019
A tender worth more than 4 million euro has been launched by the Regione Lazio for companies and research organizations in the aerospace sector, which will have time until June 25 to present project proposals. Information on how to participate was given in Rome at the workshop “Lazio 2030 Cluster Networking Day”.