
News 2019

Research: Neurodegenerative diseases, new theurapeutic opportunities from modified melanin

New therapeutic opportunities for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson from an all-italian research team - ENEA, Federico II University and CNR – whose findings were published by the international scientific journal "Frontiers in Chemistry". The researchers succeded in turning melanin - the substance that naturally colors skin, hair and eyes - into a conductor of electricity by boosting its electric conductivity a billion-fold, so as to make electrodes that can stimulate damaged nerve tissue or command artificial limb.

Research: Neurodegenerative diseases, new theurapeutic opportunities from modified melanin - Read More…

Food: From microbiomes innovative solutions improving food chains

Improve productivity, quality and sustainability of food chains using a "microbiome", i.e. the complex of microbial communities and their genomic outcomes. This is the goal of the European project SIMBA, funded by the program Horizon 2020, in which participate ENEA and other 22 partners among European companies and research institutes coordinated by the Finnish Natural Resources Institute (LUKE).

Food: From microbiomes innovative solutions improving food chains - Read More…

Organic farming: Paving the way for new bioinsecticides

Researchers at the ENEA Trisaia Center in Basilicata are studying the environmental impact of new-generation biopesticides capable of "silencing" specific insect genes causing damage to crops. Conducted as part of the European project "iPlanta", coordinated by the Polytechnic University of the Marches, this research foresees tests on the interaction between insects treated with the innovative biopesticide and their natural predators used in integrated pest control, which is a type of agriculture characterized by a drastic reduction of pesticides.

Organic farming: Paving the way for new bioinsecticides - Read More…

Energy: The EU project WinWind discusses social acceptance issues at the ENEA Headquarters in Rome

Identifying strategies to enhance the socially inclusive market uptake of wind energy has been the focus of the 2nd Thematic Workshop on “Wind energy - Instruments and benefits for local communities” recently organized by the Italian WinWind project partners ENEA and EcoAzioni. In total, 25 stakeholders attended the event at the ENEA Headquarters in Rome, Italy.

Energy: The EU project WinWind discusses social acceptance issues at the ENEA Headquarters in Rome - Read More…

Energy: Italy, in 2018 consumption still increasing (+ 1%), transport’s share on the rise

Energy consumption still on the rise in 2018 in Italy (+ 1% as compared to the previous year), driven by transport, while hydroelectric production surged (+ 31%) gas consumption and carbon dioxide emissions fell (- 3.3%) and (-2%) respectively. This is what emerges from the ENEA quarterly analysis of the Italian energy system, also showing for the entire 2018 stronger signs of criticality, starting with the decline, for the first time in 10 years, of wind and photovoltaic energy production (-3%). Furthermore, there remains a large share of fossil fuels, equal to 75% of the total, while green sources account for 20% of the energy mix (one percentage point more than in 2017).

Energy: Italy, in 2018 consumption still increasing (+ 1%), transport’s share on the rise - Read More…

Research: Project for a European excellence in supercomputing applications

Creating a network of coordination and information exchange among all the main supercomputing centers of excellence in Europe (CoE). This is the objective of the project FocusCoE, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program to promote European leadership in supercomputing applications in the sectors of renewable energy, materials design and modeling, climate change, bio-molecular research and development of tools to increase supercomputer efficiency.

Research: Project for a European excellence in supercomputing applications - Read More…

Energy: ENEA wins 5 million tender for biorefinery and green chemistry

Strengthening research and development of innovative biofuels and biolubricants, biomethane and syngas for frontier energy applications. This is the goal of the project worth about 10 million euro, co-financed by ENEA and the Basilicata Region, in Southern Italy, to strengthen and expand the Integrated Platform for Biorefinery and Green Chemistry (PIBE) in operation at the ENEA Research Center in Trisaia (MT). ENEA has in fact won a tender that provides for a contribution from the Basilicata region of 5 million euro as part of the 2014-2020 FESR BASILICATA "Support to research infrastructures considered critical / crucial for regional systems".

Energy: ENEA wins 5 million tender for biorefinery and green chemistry - Read More…

Nuclear: Romanian delegation visits the ENEA experimental reactor TRIGA

ENEA has recently hosted a Romanian delegation headed by Rodin Traicu, President the Romanian National Commission for Nuclear Activities Control (CNCAN), accompanied by Adrian Goicea, Country manager of Iberdrola, Achille Cester, Italian CEO of Hiruko Int., Paolo Gianlorenzo and Stefan Sas from Hiruko too.

Nuclear: Romanian delegation visits the ENEA experimental reactor TRIGA - Read More…

Energy: New free app to facilitate energy upgrading of condos

Condomini + 4.0 is a new, free application to easily measure energy consumption and structural characteristics of condominium buildings. Developed by ENEA in collaboration with Logical Soft, it is addressed to experts and licensed technicians for the assessment of safety measures, energy upgrading and efficiency improvement.

Energy: New free app to facilitate energy upgrading of condos - Read More…

Innovation: From ENEA a model for the smart city of the future

ENEA has developed a model of the city of the future with hi-tech solutions and tools for homes and urban environments based on energy and water saving, safety, health and living comfort of people, circular economy and environmental monitoring as well as co-governance and involvement in local community life. Some solutions have already been tested in a few Rome neighborhoods and in other Italian Municipalities and subsequently qualified within the Smart Village of the ENEA Casaccia Research Center.

Innovation: From ENEA a model for the smart city of the future - Read More…

Food Safety: A portable laser device detecting food fraud

ENEA takes an active role in fighting food fraud with "Safefood", a portable laser device for quick and reliable screening of the quality of food that ends up on our tables with the project "TECHEA", for which ENEA has allocated 1 million euro. ENEA Frascati laboratories are working on two prototypes: one for control bodies such as the Carabinieri NAS and the other for quality control in the food industry.

Food Safety: A portable laser device detecting food fraud - Read More…

Energy poverty: ENEA proposes common European standards

The measures to combat energy poverty were at the center of ENEA's activities in its role as annual President of the European Energy Network (ENR), the voluntary network of national energy agencies for EU countries and some extra EU nations. At the end of its mandate in February 2019, ENEA presented to the European Commission a series of proposals, following a survey on energy poverty conducted in 11 EU countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, United United Kingdom, Romania, Hungary).

Energy poverty: ENEA proposes common European standards - Read More…

Circular economy: Diagnose resources to optimize reuse of business waste

"Design" business waste to optimize reuse. This is the objective of the project "PROPER Umbria" (Pilot Project for the Efficiency of Resources), conducted by ENEA in collaboration with Sviluppumbria and the multinational Meccanotecnica Umbra, which is available for conducting pilot testing.

Circular economy: Diagnose resources to optimize reuse of business waste - Read More…

Antarctica: First solar power plant for the Italian base

The first photovoltaic power plant of the Italian "Mario Zucchelli" base in Antarctica has been built, continuing the transition to 100% energy from renewable sources after the construction of a wind farm in the previous year. The plant became operative during the 34th Summer Campaign of the National Antarctic Research Program (PNRA), funded with 23 million euro by the MIUR, implemented by ENEA for logistics and the CNR for planning and scientific coordination.

Antarctica: First solar power plant for the Italian base - Read More…

World Water Day: A patent by ENEA to detect harmful substances in water distribution networks

On the occasion of World Water Day (March 22), ENEA presents a patented system capable of estimating the concentration of harmful subsances in the water network, allowing for a timely and cheaper management of possible emergencies. Developed by ENEA researchers in the Portici Research Center (Naples), in collaboration with the University of Naples Federico II, it was tested in the "Santa Sofia" aqueduct managed by Acqua Campania Spa.

World Water Day: A patent by ENEA to detect harmful substances in water distribution networks - Read More…

Clean energy: Salina among the islands leading the transition to renewables in Europe

Salina, in the Sicilian Aeolian archipelago, was chosen among the six pilot islands of the European Union for the transition to clean energy as part of the iniative "Clean Energy for EU Islands” of the European Commission, aiming at promoting self-sufficiency, sustainability and new jobs in smaller islands. The activities will start in the upcoming months with the drafting of a plan for the island's energy transition, thanks to the support of ENEA, the Sicilian Region and the European Clean Energy Secretariat.

Clean energy: Salina among the islands leading the transition to renewables in Europe - Read More…

Research: South Africa’s S&T Minister visits ENEA’s Biotech and Renewables infrastructures and labs

Early this month, ENEA hosted a South African delegation headed by Ms Mmamoloko Tryphosa Kubayi-Ngubane, the South African Minister of Science and Technology and member of the African National Congress, accompanied by her Ministry staff and Ambassador Soni of the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Rome.

Research: South Africa’s S&T Minister visits ENEA’s Biotech and Renewables infrastructures and labs - Read More…

Agricolture: Researchers from Italy and Israel together for sustainable farming

Early this month, a two-day workshop "Italy-Israel: working together for sustainable agrifood systems" was held in Rome, organized by CREA (Council for Agricultural Research and Economics) and ENEA, in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and the Israel Ministry of Science and Technology.

Agricolture: Researchers from Italy and Israel together for sustainable farming - Read More…

(all news from 2022 to now)