May 13, 2021
Promoting innovative and replicable models of energy community management through hi-tech tools, new collaborations with local authorities and institutions across the country and the creation of a discussion table on the topic. This is the objective of the ENEA plan for the governance of energy communities, based on a coordinated set of technological, economic and social actions to improve environmental sustainability, citizens’ quality of life and social cohesion.
May 13, 2021
Providing reliable data and information on the effects of vegetation on air quality and temperatures in cities. This is the goal of the European project VEG-GAP, coordinated by ENEA and funded with 1 million euro by the LIFE Program which, for the first time, will make guidelines and information platforms providing data on the effectiveness of urban vegetation in mitigating air pollution and temperature, available to public administrations.
May 13, 2021
The President of ENEA Federico Testa and the President of ANGI (National Association of Young Innovators) Gabriele Ferrieri have signed a strategic memorandum of understanding with the aim of developing projects of excellence on ecological transition addressed to companies, PAs and main stakeholders of innovation in Italy.
May 13, 2021
An innovative, low-cost process for large-scale production of a precision sensor patch which measures blood glucose levels of diabetics, also employed in anti-theft devices or to measure pollutants concentration in water or fruit. ENEA patented it optimizing assembly and coupling of nano-sized layers on printed electrodes.
Apr 29, 2021
Repairing the Earth’s ecosystems with the recruitment of 'beneficial' microbes improving yield and quality of crops but also capable of counteracting soil depletion, reclaiming contaminated land and reducing the use of water, fertilizers and pesticides. On the occasion of World Earth Day 2021, whose theme this year was "Restore Our Earth", ENEA presented the outcomes of three projects on the use of microbial communities for sustainable soil regeneration.
Apr 29, 2021
ENEA, jointly with the Sicilian companies Navhetec srl and Agrumaria Corleone spa, has patented an innovative method to transform the residual material after lemon processing into supplements and nutraceuticals for the prevention of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and cardio-vascular disorders. .
Apr 29, 2021
Three ENEA researchers are among the winners of the prestigious "Editor-in-Chief Choice Award 2020" for best article published last year in the authoritative scientific journal High Power Laser Science and Engineering, published by Cambridge University Press jointly with Chinese Laser Press.
Apr 29, 2021
Promoting and supporting energy communities in Europe to achieve new goals in reducing CO2 emissions and energy consumption and contribute to the green transition also thanks to citizen engagement.
Apr 29, 2021
PEF Starter and Life Cycle Communication Tool are two new tools designed to help companies measure, evaluate and properly communicate their products' environmental footprint, with the objective of encouraging the adoption of the PEF (Product Environmental Footprint), promoted by the European Commission to "certify" the reliability of green claims -communications of the environmental attributes of products or services- in order to avoid the so-called green washing, that is the process of conveying misleading information on their real environmental qualities.
Apr 29, 2021
ENEA has patented a process to manufacture an innovative fireproof material which allows to reduce the weight of a vehicle's body, as part of the project FireMat, worth 1.1 million euro and co-funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region.
Apr 15, 2021
The tenders to implement the Italian fusion project Divertor Tokamak Test (DTT), promoted by ENEA, Eni and the Consortium CREATE, have exceeded 85 million euro and in recent months further six shareholders - the INFN, Consortium RFX, Polytechnic University of Turin, Tuscia University, University of Milan-Bicocca and Rome Tor Vergata University, soon to be joined by the CNR- have joined DTT Scarl, the company that will build this unique experimental facility.
Apr 15, 2021
Over 4 thousand complex numerical simulations were performed by Italian research institutes wishing to join ENEA in the fight against Covid-19 to exploit the processing power of the supercomputer CRESCO6, which in 2018 entered the TOP500 ranking of the world's most powerful computational machines.
Apr 15, 2021
Energy poverty is on the rise in Italy, even if slightly. According to the latest data made available by ENEA for the annual report of the Italian Observatory on Energy Poverty (OIPE), between 2016 and 2018 the phenomenon affected approximately 40 thousand more families, a 0.1% growth annually, equivalent to 8.8% at national level.
Apr 15, 2021
ENEA has patented an innovative environment-friendly composter to convert household food waste into compost with high agronomic qualities. The device saves the energy needed to activate the aerobic process and cuts the cost for waste disposal.
Apr 15, 2021
ENEA, as partner of EIT Urban Mobility and support office of the Enterprise Europe Network, invites interested start-ups to submitt their application for the EIT Urban Mobility Accelerator programme batch #3. The call is aimed at early-stage startups from EU Member States and H2020 Associated Countries with at least 2 FTE, a properly validated, clear, scalable and innovative business idea that solves a mobility-related customer problem.
Apr 15, 2021
WMO has recognized the ENEA Madonie Observatory (Palermo) as a regional station for the central Mediterranean area
Apr 01, 2021
ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, will lead an interdisciplinary consortium of nine European partners to develop an innovative prototype for high-temperature solid oxide electrolysis (SOE) using renewable solar heat and power to produce green hydrogen in a continuous way.
Apr 01, 2021
For the first time Italy hit a 20.8% efficiency record [1] for solar cells made of perovskite, a material that has revolutionized the field of photovoltaics in recent years due to its excellent opto-electronic properties and immense potential for the development of high- efficiency and low-cost PV technologies.
Apr 01, 2021
Turning purification plants into actual "urban biorefineries", capable of extracting water and materials from sewage sludge to be used in other economic sectors like agriculture (water for irrigation, fertilizers , etc.) or to produce energy (for instance biomethane).
Apr 01, 2021
Developing and validating a device for transplantation and stimulation of two combined stem cells for spinal cord regeneration after injury. This is the goal of the European PROJECT RISEUP, an ENEA-led consortium bringing together Italian partners (Sapienza University of Rome and Rise Technology srl), Spanish partners (Polytechnic University of Valencia and Centro Investigación Príncipe Felipe) and French partners (CNRS).