Automotive: "Flash Charge", the superfast charger for electric mobility


Fully charging electric public vehicles during stops thanks to an innovative superfast charging system. It’s called 'Flash Charge' and it’s based on the joint use, on buses and at stops, of supercapacitors, devices with exceptional electrical characteristics, capable of providing high power in short periods. "An adequate charging station along the service route is enough to recharge a bus in 10, at most 20 seconds. This allows electrified public transport to move towards unlimited autonomy - Antonino Genovese, Head of the ENEA Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Mobility and Accumulation Laboratory, explained- Another advantage of this technology is the lower impact on the electricity distribution network. In order to make the system more versatile, we are working on additional solutions with small capacity batteries."

ENEA is also involved in projects and studies concerning technologies for electric and hybrid motorization, storage systems, safety solutions and software in support to sustainable transport and pollution prevention policies, including HOWMOVE to optimize the costs and impacts of home to work commuting, ECOTRIP © to estimate vehicle consumption and emissions, CITYLOG © to optimize goods delivery and STREET © for traffic diagnostics.

The results of the + Gas project for the production of biomethane from renewable sources through  the trasformation into hydrogen and the use of selected bacteria, were also presented for the first time at ECOMONDO.

ENEA is also present at ECOMONDO with the circular economy, one of the key sectors of the Sustainability of Production and Territorial Systems Department,. In Rimini, the Agency presented the first national platform of industrial symbiosis, to promote the sharing of residues / resources through the creation of networks of companies operating in different sectors, as well as projects, technological solutions and integrated approaches for the transition to the circular economy through business models based on the efficient use of resources on the territory and in companies, extended to the technosphere and the biosphere.

"Particularly significant are the ENEA training activities for operators in the circular economy sector, such as the ECO-GEA Training Plan : skills for a sustainable company in the Emilia-Romagna Region and the Puglia Region (in collaboration with the IFOA) and the project RefresCO, for designing and implementing training courses specifically dedicated to the circular economy for companies, administrations and experts, based on a needs & targets analysis " Grazia Barberio ENEA circular economy expert, explained. As of this year ENEA leads the Italian platform for the circular economy (ICESP - Italian Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform), a national reference hub on initiatives, experiences, best practices and perspectives and is the only Italian member in the coordination group of the European platform ECESP (European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform).

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