Cooperation: Italy-China Science, Technology and Innovation Week 2018


PPitaliacinaENEA will participate in the Italy-China Science, Technology and Innovation Week (3rd/7th December 2018). Promoted in Italy by the Ministry of Education, University and Research-MIUR in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation-MAECI, the initiative is coordinated by Città della Scienza in Naples, with collaboration by the National Research Council-CNR, Confindustria, the National Technology Clusters and the Italian research centers.

The Italy-China Science, Technology and Innovation Week is planned in December this year to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the signature of the first intergovernmental agreement between the two countries.

The Italy-China Science, Technology and Innovation Week will take place in Naples and it is aimed at setting up scientific, technological and productive partnerships in research and innovation on both sides.

ENEA has got a long-term history of cooperation with Chinese institutions: in 2006 ENEA and  the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) have signed a Framework Agreement on scientific and technological cooperation; following this, ENEA has signed several MoUs with other Chinese institutions.

In the field of bilateral collaboration on advanced nuclear technologies, ENEA is expected to sign, in the near future, a very  important Memorandum of Understanding with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

The Innovation Week 2018 will be very interesting for the Agency because many of the included topics (Aerospace, Agree-food, Green Chemistry, Life Science and Health, Clean Tech and Environment, Energy Sustainable Mobility, Blue Growth, Next Generation ICT, Smart Manufacturing, Design and Creative Industry Smart City and communities and cultural heritage, education and training, socio-economic aspects and innovation management) are fully in line with the mandate of ENEA.

During the Italy-China Science, Technology and Innovation Week 2018, Dr. Maria Luisa Grilli will present the final results of the project "On-demand refractive index for remote sensing from Space" .

The project, carried out in collaboration with the Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM), Shanghai" has been financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 2013, in the framework of the Italy-China Scientific and Technological Collaboration Executive Program; the project makes it possible to deepen the mutual knowledge on laser technologies applied to space for the characterization of the properties of new materials.

The project has allowed the sharing of scientific information and many exchanges of researchers, thus representing a best practice to create and to consolidate the links between the researchers of  two countries.