ENEA: A new partner of the “Science without Borders” (CSF Italy) Program


ENEA has recently become a partner of the CSF Program. The Agency is therefore part of the Italian network of public and private institutions that have joined in the effort to bridge the gap between the Italian and Brazilian research systems through the program.

CSF – the acronym for Ciência Sem Fronteiras, namely Science without Borders – is actually one of the main initiatives of the Brazilian federal government to promote science, technology and innovation through both the internationalization of its research centres and universities, and the start-up of sound partnerships with counterparts recognized as excellent.

Actually, since 2011, the Brazilian Government supports a huge mobility program for graduate students and researchers at different levels of career, coming from Brazilian universities and recruited on a highly competitive basis.

The peculiarity of the initiative is that, although standing as a national project, it ensures a positive impact beyond national boundaries, involving institutional partners from more than 40 countries worldwide.

In practice, in the fields of priority interest, mainly related to STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), Brazil bears all the eligible costs related to travel and accommodation allowances, salary and medical insurance of fellows, for periods ranging from 6 to 24 months. In addition, the program grants the host institution a lump sum to afford the management costs.

Yet, this is not enough. The program also includes a dedicated budget line for incoming post- doc fellows, as well as for special visiting researchers.

ENEA’s involvement into in the program provides the Agency with important opportunities of cooperation. Hence, last January 28th the ENEA International Relations Service organized a dedicated workshop at the Casaccia Research Centre. During this launch event, not only have the mechanisms of the programme been thoroughly explained but all attendees have also been given the opportunity to benefit from the best practices of National Research Council colleagues, who have already dealt with CSF procedures.


For further information: http://www.cienciasemfronteiras.gov.br/web/csf-eng/

Source:  Flavia Amato, ENEA International Relations Service, flavia.amato@enea.it

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