Sustainability: ENEA and FOCSIV together in the Cooperation for development


A bilateral workshop between ENEA and FOCSIV (Federation of Christian Organizations for International Volunteer Service) was held today at the ENEA Headquarters in Rome.

The Federation, born in 1972, gathers more than 70 organizations operating in more than 80 countries worldwide, that have overall employed 20,000 international volunteers providing the poorest peoples with technical and professional expertise.

The meeting has given ENEA Commissioner, Prof. Federico Testa, the opportunity to introduce the new ENEA task force on international cooperation and development. The new focus clearly expresses a renewed and even stronger commitment of the Agency on the topic of global sustainable development.

This new internal Agency framework actually fully complies with the “United Nations Agenda 2030”, that has defined new 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In particular Goals 17.6.and 17.7 draw the attention on international cooperation aimed at access to science, transfer, dissemination and diffusion of environmentally sound technologies to developing countries, as mutually agreed between North and South partnership.

The enhanced ENEA effort towards international cooperation and development will be turned into a major provision of technical assistance and technology transfer, relying on the multidisciplinary expertise of the Agency.

Thus, the first kick-off meeting between FOCSIV and ENEA has helped in outlining, through the direct talk  between both side experts,  the synergies that can be put in place, in the light of facing the common global environmental challenges.

Moreover, ENEA panel has illustrated the potential modes of delivery of technical support services to back up current FOCSIV activities.

The first and most immediate expected outcome of the workshop will hopefully be the start of a sound partnership in the applications of proposals for accessing EU funds and/or other national and international financial tools.

For further information:

Flavia Amato,

Chiara Clementel,

Vittoria Peri,

Sebastiano Vinella,