ENEA at the EU-Brasil “Semana do Clima”


Over eight days, 20 organizations from Brazil and Europe shed light on climate change, presenting solutions how to contain and mitigate it.

ENEA attended the Semana do Clima evento in Rio de Janeiro, an event organized by the European Union Delegation in Brazil, WWF-Brazil and Fundação Planetário da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (Municipality of Rio de Janeiro), in partnership with the Environmental Department, Member States of the EU in Brazil and their respective cultural institutions.

Among the experts selected by the EU delegation were Mauro Annunziato for the panel on Cities and Urbanisation, Fabio Musmeci for the Waste management and circular economy panel and Domenico De Martinis who attended the session Talks by Climate Change Specialists with a lecture on Interdisciplinary Approach to Challenge the Challenges describing how ENEA is committed to tackling Climate Change.

Over eight days, 20 organizations from Brazil and Europe shed light on good, reproducible practices for individual citizens, communities, civil societies, public administration, companies and artistic groups. The objective of the event was to contribute to the efforts paid to contain or mitigate climate change, presenting solutions and discussions on: water, energy, solid waste, land use and agriculture, urbanization and urban mobility, security and climate.

The opening session was held by the Brazilian Minister of Environment, Izabella Teixeira, and the EU Commissioner of Climate and Energy, Miguel Cañete.

For further information:

Domenico De Martinis, ENEA International Relation Service, domenico.demartinis@enea.it


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