ENEA’s High-Technology for the safeguard of Ponte delle Torri in Spoleto


A state-of–the-art monitoring and analysis system developed by ENEA will be employed to define the necessary actions for the safeguard of Ponte delle Torri.

Several technologies previously used by ENEA to monitor cracks in the Orvieto Cathedral will be combined to evaluate the vulnerability of the late-medieval historic structure: a local seismic network targeted to monitoring the bridge; satellite monitoring from the Cosmo-Skymed constellation for deformation monitoring over time; non-destructive testing of the structure; special camera-carrying scanning drones for a complete mapping of the damage.

The gathered data will be used for the creation of a local seismicity database.

04-pontetorrispoleto.jpgENEA’s expert Gerardo di Canio explains: Ponte delle Torri in Spoleto was chosen as “test site” within the RoMA* project, conceived to provide technical support to Local Governments for environmental emergencies.

The project, developed with the contribution of the Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR), involves partners from the public and private sectors.

Once the project is completed, the Municipality of Spoleto will take over the technologies implemented and commit itself to continue the monitoring and data acquisition activities. “These activities will be an opportunity for new professions and local high-skilled employment growth” – the expert adds.

For over twenty years ENEA has been working on knowledge, conservation, fruition and enhancement of the cultural and artistic heritage, on behalf of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities, Local Authorities and public and private Institutions also as part of national and international research projects.

Based on its scientific knowledge gained through R&D activities on new technologies, energy and the environment, ENEA will provide its extensive expertise and cutting-edge technologies, large research infrastructures and testing facilities, its skills in processing and interpreting results, for the Conservation of the Cultural Heritage.




* Resilience enhancement of Metropolitan Areas

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