ENEAinform@ No. 5 - 2015


05NL.jpgENEAInform@ is the weekly update on the news from the ENEA community, dedicated to all stakeholders on energy, new technologies, the environment and sustainable economic development.

No 5-2015 contents:

  • ENERGY: Lighting “goes green” with ENEA at the International Conference in Munich
  • ENEA awarded 50 million euro for 165 EU projects over 6 years
  • Europe and energy security: discussing scenarios and strategies at ENEA
  • Bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass by a chemical-free route
  • Italian Development Cooperation and ENEA together for sustainable use of water and energy in agricultural development waiting for EXPO 2015
  • New ad campaign for the Riace Bronzes lying on the ENEA anti-seismic basements
  • Technological replicas for the Egyptian necropolis of Saqqara.




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