Energy: ENEA, with ecobonus 3.3 billion investments in 2018, 39 billions since 2007


Testa: “Possible quality leap with the ecobonus for condos”

Investments for over 39 billion euro in energy redevelopment projects, of which 3.3 billions in 2018 alone, with cumulative savings of around 100 million Megawatt-hours (MWh). Briefly, this is the balance as of  2018 after 12 years of ecobonus, the mechanism introduced in 2007 to encourage energy efficiency in end uses. This data emerged from the 8th ENEA annual report on energy efficiency presented in Rome jointly with the Annual report on tax deductions for energy saving interventions and use of renewable energy sources in existing buildings

In 2018, the ecobonus allowed an overall saving of 16 million MWh, equal to the average annual electricity and thermal energy consumption of a city of 2.5 million inhabitants.

There are positive results also for other types of incentives: in 2018, the thermal account, mainly intended for efficiency and renewables in the Public Administration, recorded a leap forward of 115% with 93,000 total requests and a 90% increase in incentives for 190 million euro; the Energy Requalification Program of the Public Administration PREPAC has collected 100 projects  for over 177 million euro and the so-called white certificates to boost efficiency in companies have led to lower imports of electricity and natural gas for 14 million MWh, with 400 million euro savings on the national energy bill.

Investments (M €) by technology ( 2018) and total (2014-2017)
"Energy efficiency confirm itself as one of the most effective levers to reduce energy consumption and expenditure for families, companies and increasingly so for the PA, a growth driver for a markedly Italian industrial chain", the President of ENEA Federico Testa pointed out. "As a National Energy Efficiency Agency, ENEA is committed to promoting the dissemination of best practices and the use of tools such as energy audits in companies and condominiums with credit assignement. The growing number of large and small players, from Eni to Enel to Snam to utilities, which offer services focused on the use of ecobonus condominiums, demonstrates the validity of the intuition we had two years ago and which the Parliament has subsequently implemented”, Testa said.

Savings GWh / year - for technology (2018) and total (2014-2017)
In 2018, three quarters of the applications for the ecobonus regarding interventions in common areas of condominiums concerned the energy upgrading of the building envelope with an over 25% incidence of the gross dispersing surface  (70% deduction), and about a quarter concerned the improvement of winter and summer energy performances (75% deduction). The first interventions to increase seismic safety, with 80% or 85% deductions according to risk class reduction, were also launched.

Accelerating the upgrading of buildings would allow to make a qualitative leap, with major technological, environmental, economic and employment IMPACTS/EFFECTS and to bring the energy saving target for 2020 indicated by the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and the National Energy Strategy, closer " Testa pointed out. By 2018, 67% of the target was met at the sector level, the residential sector exceeded the target set, industry stood more than halfway towards the target (54%), while transport (41.6% ) and the tertiary sector, including PA (25.6%), had to gain ground.

The 2018 ecobonus in detail

From data

Last year Italian families carried out over 300 thousand energy efficiency interventions, mainly to replace window frames (1.2 billion),  insulate floors and walls (about 1 billion) and  install condensing boilers and heat pumps for winter heating (about 800 millions).

About 77% of investments (2.56 billion euro out of over 3.3) concern buildings built before the 80s. In particular, about 35% (over 1.1 billion euro) were allocated to 1960s buildings. 36% (over 1.2 billion euro) concerned a detached building (for example a single or multi-family house), while over 50% (over  1.7 billion euro) involved interventions on in-line buildings and condominiums with more than three floors above ground.

Always in 2018, first year of house bonus (50% deduction) monitoring, 500 thousand interventions were performed with a total saving of 700 thousand MWh


To download the Annual Energy Efficiency Report:


To download the Annual Report on tax deductions for energy saving interventions and use of renewable energy sources in existing buildings:

Misure e Strumenti di Efficienza Energetica per lo sviluppo e promozione dei settori strategici
Presentazione dei risultati del Rapporto Annuale Efficienza Energetica 2019 - Alessandro Federici, ENEA