Environment: Presented the Water-DROP project results
The University of Nicosia recently hosted the Water-DROP final Conference “Water Development Resources: Opportunity Policies for the Water Management in Semi-Arid Areas”.
The project, funded under the ENPI programme of the European Union, aimed at developing an integrated water cycle management approach at the Mediterranean Sea Basin level through the enforcement of multi-stakeholder partnerships, in particular with public and private actors.
Actually, the project was designed on the assumption that the main issues to be tackled for efficient water management concerned technical-methodological, capacity-building, and normative aspects. That’s why, with an overall budget of roughly € 2.000.000,it has gathered nine partners representing research institutions as well as also local authorities and special interest groups from different Mediterranean Countries (Cyprus, Italy, Lebanon, Palestine and Spain).
During the final Conference, Water-DROP experts presented the results on the two-year activities implemented under the project lifecycle and, in particular: elaboration of a database on the water cycle management; training courses for technicians of the water sector; awareness raising activities dedicated to teachers and schools; the organisation of national roundtables and drafting of road maps for transferring the results to concerned stakeholders; setting up a Mediterranean Task Force for the water management normative harmonization.
The activities have been addressed to specific target groups including national and local authorities responsible for water cycle management, public and private scientific institutions, local and national environmental NGOs, water management local stakeholders and communities of the target areas. (Article by Flavia Amato, ENEA International Relations Unit, flavia.amato@enea.it)
For further information:
Web site: http://water-drop.enea.it/
Filippo Moretti, ENEA Casaccia Research Center, filippo.moretti@enea.it