Health: regenerative therapy for spinal cord injuries


Developing and validating a device for transplantation and stimulation of two combined stem cells for spinal cord regeneration after injury. This is the goal of the European PROJECT RISEUP [1], an ENEA-led consortium bringing together Italian partners (Sapienza University of Rome and Rise Technology srl), Spanish partners (Polytechnic University of Valencia and Centro Investigación Príncipe Felipe) and French partners (CNRS).

The new method consists in a transplantation of stem cells activated by direct or ultra-short current pulses delivered by an electrified, biocompatible and biodegradable device.

In order to make the procedure minimally  invasive, the electrical stimulation will be delivered using a wireless device.

"Spinal cord injuries can result in a complete or partial interruption of the nerve pathways, with consequent motor or sensory functions alterations. Currently there is no effective therapy to restore functions, although combinations of different approaches and strategies have emerged”, Claudia Consales, researcher at the ENEA Health and the Environment Laboratory explained.

The project’s underlying theory is that these different types of stimulation can induce stem cells differentiations  into neurons, thus promoting tissue regeneration.

"RISEUP aims at radically changing the therapeutic approach of spinal cord injuries thanks to a minimally invasive, wireless, implantable device ensuring the regeneration of injured tissue, significantly improving the quality of life of patients ”, Consales concluded.


For more information please contact:

Claudia Consales, ENEA - Health and the Environment Laboratory,

Information sheet:



[1] Regeneration of Injured Spinal cord by Electro pUlsed byo-hybrid aPproach, funded as part of the Program H2020- FETOPEN (Future Emerging Technologies, novel ideas for radically new technologies) 2018-2020

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