Innovation: ENEA patents laser method for writing on digital screens
Creating nanocrystals for hyper-technological displays in smartphones, TVs and augmented reality devices thanks to a new method of direct laser “writing” of nanoparticles that would allow to reduce the production costs of individual components. This is what the ENEA researchers of the Micro and Nanostructures Laboratory for Photonics of the Frascati Research Center have developed as part of the European project MILEDI[1] which has designed micro-screens for cars jointly with the Fiat Research Center and the French company MICROOLED, which manufactures microdisplays in the augmented reality sector[2].
"It can be described as a laser beam with specific characteristics that 'writes' small colored areas forming pixels, on a polymeric surface appropriately treated. These then allow the formation of colors and images within the displays", Francesco Antolini, ENEA researcher and project coordinator, explained.
The potential of the technique and the materials involved, lies in the capacity to obtain micrometric colored areas of any shape by suitably modulating only the laser parameters, i.e. the power and frequency of the pulse, and maintaining the initial chemical formulation unaltered, exploiting the appropriate combination of photonics and nanomaterials.
“Thanks to the optical properties of the nanoparticles and the versatility of the laser technology, it is imaginable to employ the converter filters in photonics application fields, which entail display manufacturing, reducing production costs of individual components”, Antolini concluded.
For more information please contact:
Francesco Antolini, ENEA – Laboratory for Micro and Nanostructures for Photonics,
[1] MIcro quantum dot Light emitting diode and organic Emitting diode DIrect Patterning, project funded by the European Program Horizon 2020