Nov 03, 2016
From the States to the ENEA Casaccia Research Center, two maxi generators to supply emergency power needs in industrial facilities, strategic infrastructures and nuclear plants.
Oct 20, 2016
In the first six months of 2016 the price of the kilowatt-hour for Italian companies with medium-low power consumption - ranging from 20 to 500 MWh/year - decreased by 6% to 17.7 euro cents compared to 18.9 in the same period of 2015. Consequently, the gap between the Italian price and the average European price decreased in absolute terms from 6.3 euro cents last year (+50%) to 5.5 euro cents (+45%) as shown by the ENEA Quarterly Analysis of the Italian Energy System, showing an improvement of the ISPRED (Index of energy Security, PRice of Energy and Decarbonisation).
Oct 20, 2016
ENEA and ICTP, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, have recently signed a cooperation agreement supporting the international mobility of researchers. The act is set against the background of a major challenge: development cooperation. Actually, ensuring researchers of developing countries the access to facilities of the more developed ones is a key asset on the overall countries development policy.
Oct 20, 2016
The Laser radar BILLI, developed by ENEA to analyse volcanic fumes, has also been successfully tested on the Etna Volcano. At an altitude of 2850 meters and 1.5 kilometers away from the main crater, this sophisticated technology measured the concentration of carbon dioxide of the fumes, an important clue to predict volcanic eruptions. A similar test had been conducted in Stromboli in 2015.
Oct 20, 2016
The Software SET, developed by ENEA in support to the Italian textile industry to improve energy efficiency for sustainable production, was presented at Première Vision, the international fashion and textile event in the section Smart Creation, dedicated to promoting sustainable production in textile, a high energy-intensive sector occupying a crucial position in the European economy.
Oct 06, 2016
Another step forward in the fight against cystic fibrosis, a genetic disease affecting mainly the respiratory system but also the digestive and the reproductive one, with an average of one out of 2500 individuals. An ENEA coordinated study, financed by the Italian CF Research Foundation and published on the prestigious international scientific journal PLOS ONE, has shown the close relation between changes in the bacteria community in the lungs of individuals affected by cystic fibrosis and the worsening of respiratory functions.
Oct 06, 2016
ENEA has patented an innovative process to obtain nanometric-sized materials (inferior to one millionth of a millimeter) to be applied in the electronics, aerospace (heat shields in aircrafts), automotive (brake disks) and steel sectors.
Oct 06, 2016
ENEA has coordinated the activities of the project of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) on innovative compounds and nanoparticles improving hydrogen absorption and opening the way to new technological applications for electricity production and storage. The results were published on the “International Journal of Hydrogen Energy”.
Oct 06, 2016
The result of a collaboration between the Municipality and ENEA - the Agency for New Technologies, Energy and a Sustainable Economic Development that manages the Climate Observatory on Lampedusa - the station was designed to be powered by a photovoltaic panels system and it will enable tourists and inhabitants to use zero-emission vehicles.
Oct 06, 2016
ENEA and ANCIM, the National Association of Minor Islands Municipalities, have signed an Agreement to work jointly at the enhancement of the environmental, cultural and social heritage assets of 36 minor islands municipalities, with the objective of making them a model of sustainability through the improvement of energy saving and efficiency, renewable energy sources, alternative mobility, sustainable water use, waste disposal and tourism.
Sep 22, 2016
ENEA and CINECA to provide supercomputer and data storage services with MARCONI fusion.
An all-Italian partnership between ENEA and CINECA has been selected by EUROfusion, the European Consortium for the development of fusion energy, to deliver high-performance computing and data storage to support European research on fusion
Sep 22, 2016
Currently over half of the world’s population and 80% of global wealth are concentrated in cities, accounting for two thirds of global energy demand and 70% of carbon emissions. Without change in current policies, these figures are bound to significantly increase by 2050: urban energy demand and the related carbon emissions will increase by 70% and 50% respectively
Sep 22, 2016
Mapping the rocky shores of the Mediterranean for a total of 23,000 kilometres to investigate the mechanisms of coastal erosion through changes in the sea level is the objective of the research project Geoswim, coordinated by the University of Trieste in collaboration with ENEA and whose first expedition in 2016 was in the Conero, Marche
Sep 22, 2016
ENEA signed a collaboration agreement with the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (UNIMINUTO). This is the latest of a series of initiatives aiming to boost its International relations with Latin America countries
Sep 22, 2016
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ENEA and JRC, the Joint Research Center of the European Commission, has entered into force for a period of five years (2016-2021). The MoU was signed by Prof. Federico Testa, President of ENEA and Prof. Vladimír Šucha, Director General of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), Director General of the Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Jul 21, 2016
Building sustainable and energy-efficient buildings with lower consumption from air conditioning, particularly in the Mediterranean, warm temperate climate areas. Today this is possible thanks to hemp used as an alternative to traditional insulation used in buildings, as demonstrated by the results obtained under the EFFEDIL project at the ENEA Brindisi Research Centre. The tests on walls ‘stuffed’ with hemp have shown higher energy efficiency compared to brick walls without insulation
Jul 21, 2016
As all sorts of crises seems to loom over Brazil, and while Europe is focused on finding ways to solve its own ones, cooperation initiatives between the two seems to fade away, in contrast with the enthusiasm of few years ago. Yet, Latin America has become an indispensable interlocutor and partner in facing all major international challenges, and the role of Brazil cannot be set aside
Jul 21, 2016
The ENEA coordinated European project PODEBA, worth 1.2 million euro, allowing for the first time the production of high quality, low cost, soft leather products with a low environmental impact, was selected as “Best LIFE Environment Project 2015”
Jul 21, 2016
Studying climate change, monitoring water quality and protecting the marine ecosystem are the objectives of the new agreement between ENEA and the Marine Protected Area “Pelagian Islands”, managed by the Municipality of Lampedusa and Linosa
Jul 21, 2016
“Sinergy between energy efficiency and behavioural change” is the 2016 subject of the international debate launched by the State General of Energy Efficiency. The initiative is aimed at promoting energy efficiency through simpler legislation and the adoption of financing mechanisms and innovative communication and training strategies