
News 2018


Transport: Hi-tech sensors for the safety of bridges and viaducts in Italy

Hi-tech sensors will be installed on the A2 Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway. Real time assessment of the impact of heavy traffic on bridges, viaducts and other strategic infrastructures of the road network with smart, hi-tech systems capable of calculating the weight of trucks in motion and offer alternative solutions to ensure road safety.

Transport: Hi-tech sensors for the safety of bridges and viaducts in Italy - Read More…

Environment: 3D lookalike algae to study seabeds affected by climate change

Artificial algae "lookalike" of a coralline alga, a key species of the Mediterranean, could be used in ecological restoration projects to restore natural ecosystems compromised by the anthropic impact. These are the first results of a project conducted by ENEA, University of Portsmouth and CNR

Environment: 3D lookalike algae to study seabeds affected by climate change - Read More…

Automotive: "Flash Charge", the superfast charger for electric mobility

Fully charging electric public vehicles during stops thanks to an innovative superfast charging system. It’s called 'Flash Charge' and it’s based on the joint use, on buses and at stops, of supercapacitors, devices with exceptional electrical characteristics, capable of providing high power in short periods.

Automotive: "Flash Charge", the superfast charger for electric mobility - Read More…

Technology: Weak signals for new diagnostic applications in the medical field and TLC "captured"

ENEA has patented innovative weak electromagnetic signal amplifiers that allow extremely accurate measurements, which cannot be obtained with other methods, for applications in the medical field (ultrasound equipment and body scanners), telecommunications (radar and sonar), cultural heritage (laser diagnostic systems) up to nuclear physics experiments.

Technology: Weak signals for new diagnostic applications in the medical field and TLC "captured" - Read More…

Tecnology: CINECA and ENEA together to deliver supercomputer for EU research on fusion

ENEA and CINECA have won an international competition to create in Italy a supercomputer of the latest generation for European fusion research, capable of performing 8 million billions of operations per second (8 Pflops). The project, funded by EUROfusion, will also make an essential contribution to the DTT, the international center of excellence for nuclear fusion research to be built at the ENEA Frascati Research Center.

Tecnology: CINECA and ENEA together to deliver supercomputer for EU research on fusion - Read More…

Italian research: ENEA won 189 EU projects totalling €38 million in 4 years

In the last four years ENEA has doubled the research projects obtained in Europe, which grew from 31 in 2014 to 62 in 2017 - the highest number of the decade - with a 76% increase in financial contributions, going from 7.6 to 13.4 million euro. From 2014 - year of launch of the European research framework program Horizon 2020 - to 2017, the projects obtained were 189, totalling 38 million euro. This is what emerges from the report “ENEA contracts with the European Commission” published by the Agency.

Italian research: ENEA won 189 EU projects totalling €38 million in 4 years - Read More…

Energy: A step forward to DTT, the international fusion research center in Italy

A new step forward in the creation of the scientific-technological hub on nuclear fusion among the most advanced in the world. With the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding committing the Lazio region encompassing Rome to grant a contribution of 25 million euro, in fact, the foundations were laid for the operational start-up at the ENEA Research Center in Frascati of the DTT experiment (Divertor Tokamak Test ) foreseeing a total of 500 million euro of public and private investments, the involvement of over 1500 highly specialized workers and significant repercussions at the local and national level.

Energy: A step forward to DTT, the international fusion research center in Italy - Read More…

Agrifood: Innovative lighting system for “Microcosmo”

The Microcosm, the hi-tech for growing plants using soil in closed and extreme environments, has been equipped with an innovative experimental lighting system supplied by BECAR, a company controlled by the Beghelli group and partner of the project jointly with ENEA and Gruppo FOS. The new lighting system will allow to considerably expand the range of wavelengths which can be used in precision agriculture and to modulate, independently and continuously, the various light sources, so as to significantly increase the potential for its use both in advanced research and in the cultivation of plants in unconventional environments, such as subways, airports, shopping centers, as well as extreme environments such as arctic or extraterrestrial areas.

Agrifood: Innovative lighting system for “Microcosmo” - Read More…

Circular economy: At the start EU project on e-waste recycling

Identify innovative systems for tracing and improving the collection of electric and electronic waste (WEEE) in urban areas and developing methods for prolonging the life cycle of reusable products, based on circular economy principles. This is the objective of the European project Inno-WEEE, which aims at making the WEEE supply chain more efficient with the application of circular economy models. These full scale models will be tested in Trento, Cava de 'Tirreni (Salerno) and Bath (United Kingdom).

Circular economy: At the start EU project on e-waste recycling - Read More…

Energy: Japan, “heart” of the JT-60SA fusion reactor assembled with Italian-made technology

The assembly of the toroidal magnetic system of the JT-60SA fusion experimental reactor, the 'heart' of the plant, was completed in Japan thanks to the supply of 20 high-tech coils, of which 10 were manufactured in Italy. The announcement was made today during an event at the ENEA Headquarters in Rome, in which the Italian technological contribution to this new generation of nuclear fusion machines, expecting the first plasma in 2020, was illustrated in detail.

Energy: Japan, “heart” of the JT-60SA fusion reactor assembled with Italian-made technology - Read More…

Antarctica: At the start 34th Italian expedition with 250 participants and 50 research projects

With the opening of the Mario Zucchelli station, the 34th Summer Campaign of the National Research Program in Antarctica (PNRA) has begun, financed with 23 million euro by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and implemented by ENEA for logistics operations and by the National Research Council (CNR) for planning and scientific coordination. It will last 4 months, during which scientists and technicians will operate in harsh environmental conditions, defying strong gusts of wind and low temperatures (such as -40 / 50 ° C, recorded in this period at the Italian-French Concordia station, in the heart of the continent at 3300 meters of altitude).

Antarctica: At the start 34th Italian expedition with 250 participants and 50 research projects - Read More…

Marine environment: New alien species identified in Liguria, Italy

Small marine organisms native to the Galapagos Islands, but also mini Japanese crustaceans and plankton originating in Southeast Asia. These are some of the "alien" species identified in the Gulf of La Spezia as part of a monitoring project conducted by a team of researchers from ENEA, the University of Pavia and the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC).

Marine environment: New alien species identified in Liguria, Italy - Read More…

Health: From ENEA new biotechnological method against tiger mosquito

ENEA has developed a biotechnological method to limit the reproduction of the tiger mosquito and break down its ability to transmit tropical viruses. This was possible thanks to the introduction in the laboratory mosquito of specific strains of the Wolbachia bacterium, harmless to humans and present in most insects. The females showed a cancellation of the transmission of the Zika virus and a reduction to less than 5% of the Dengue and Chikungunya viruses, while the males were capable of making the wild females of the species sterile after mating, affecting their chance of reproducing.

Health: From ENEA new biotechnological method against tiger mosquito - Read More…

Climate: Climathon, a global 24-hour hackathon, takes place in Rome for the first time

The fourth edition of Climathon will also stop in Rome, thanks to a collaboration between the Municipality and ENEA. For 24 hours, between 25 and 26 October, students, technicians, entrepreneurs, experts, policy makers and citizens will be able to submit innovative proposals to combat climate change and make our cities more sustainable. The participants to this marathon of ideas, organized in interdisciplinary teams, can work side by side with experts from companies and institutions who will act as "coaches". In addition to ENEA, CNR, B-open, E-Geos, Roma-startup and LazioInnova will also participate in the Rome event.

Climate: Climathon, a global 24-hour hackathon, takes place in Rome for the first time - Read More…

Research: Study on innovative materials to collect thermal energy wins Marie Curie grant at ENEA

Developing high quality and low cost materials useful for collecting thermal energy, i.e. the clean energy obtained from daily temperature fluctuations. This is the object of the study "NanoPyroMat" which allowed the researcher Radenka Krsmanovic at the University of Belgrade Whiffen to win the Marie Sklodowska-Curie biennial scholarship. The research will be conducted at the ENEA Casaccia laboratories in collaboration with the Faenza ENEA Center and the former Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, now Sorbonne.

Research: Study on innovative materials to collect thermal energy wins Marie Curie grant at ENEA - Read More…

Energy: Horizon 2020 projects backing the European PV industry

Within the framework of the 35th European Photovoltaics Specialist Conference (EUPVSEC) an important parallel event was held entitled "Horizon 2020: backing the European PV industry"; as the title suggests, it was a workshop designed to outline with which instruments and interventions the European Union through the H2020 financing platform aims to restore centrality and development to the continental industry in the photovoltaic sector. Several projects have been presented ranging from the development of new materials to actual industrial applications

Energy: Horizon 2020 projects backing the European PV industry - Read More…

Fusion: European Commission “SOFT Innovation Prize 2018” awarded at the Symposium on Fusion Technology in Italy

An innovative tungsten production process, the super-material used in fusion reactors and more exposed to the highest heat flows; a mini robot capable of cutting and welding in fusion machines quickly and reliably; a CAD code for evaluating the effects of radiation on the various components of reactors. These are the three research projects on fusion of the European Commission SOFT Innovation Prize for excellence in innovation and success in transferring technology to industry.

Fusion: European Commission “SOFT Innovation Prize 2018” awarded at the Symposium on Fusion Technology in Italy - Read More…

Energy: Rising prices don’t affect consumption, + 3.2% in first half of 2018

The ISPRED index still worsens (security, prices, decarbonisation). In the first half of 2018 primary energy consumption in Italy has grown by 3.2% as compared to the same period in 2017, driven by transport (+ 2.2%) and the industrial sector (+ 2.6%). In terms of energy sources, there has been an increase in oil consumption (+ 4.5%), which halted a reduction trend in progress since 2016, while consumption of both natural gas (-1.6%), after three years of increases, and the photovoltaic (-10%) dropped, despite the growth of renewables as a whole (+ 9%).

Energy: Rising prices don’t affect consumption, + 3.2% in first half of 2018 - Read More…