School: “Green Generation” - ENEA Special Issue on the environment, energy and climate - is online


25 educational kits for teachers and students with videos and podcasts

The latest issue of the ENEA science magazine "Energy, the Environment and Innovation" (EAI) -"Green Generation: young people, the environment and innovation for a sustainable future"- presented on World Teachers' Day and devoted to the world of school, is available at

The magazine contains 25 technical data sheets, drawn by ENEA researchers, to be used as teaching support material on topics like climate change, circular economy, air, water and earth pollution, green energy, energy efficiency and food safety, proper management of waste and masks. The educational kits address three different targets of primary, lower and upper secondary school students, with texts designed and written in a language as simple and clear as possible.

"This initiative has the purpose of providing technical-scientific support to all those teachers who, with passion and competence, include environmental issues, as well as challenges and possible technological solutions, in their training courses, and of improving the dialogue between research and young people, in order to answer their questions and meet their needs", said President of ENEA Gilberto Dialuce." As recently pointed out by Minister of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani at  'Youth4Climate' in Milan, young people account for a huge  share of population and will be the future decision makers. This is why education is so important and research can contribute significantly. This is also part of the goal of the 'School Regeneration' Plan, to which ENEA is committed for the creation of a sustainable, safe, efficient and circular school ", continued Dialuce.

The magazine also features interviews and contributions by representatives of national and international institutions, like Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi,  European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel,  writers, journalists and science journalists like Luca Mercalli, Giorgio Pacifici, Letizia Palmisano, Vittorio Bo, Claudia Ribet, Rosa Tiziana Bruno, young activists from Fridays For Future Italia, experts of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Father Vincenzo Fortunato, spokesperson for 'The Economy of Francesco ', the event on sustainable economy desired by the Pope and addressed to the under 35s.

ENEA has already created a wide collaboration network with the educational world at local and national level, providing teachers and students with e-learning activities, face-to-face and virtual visits to its research centers, summer schools, training courses and online seminars, experimental and laboratory activities, open days, information materials, videos and awareness campaigns.

International Teachers' Day has been celebrated every year on 5 October since 1994 to promote support for teachers and ensure that future generations’needs  are met. A year and a half after the start of the pandemic, the 2021 edition is entitled "Teachers at the center of the education restart", to emphasize the need for teachers to be supported to fully participate in this process.

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