Security: Cyber attacks, a network-protection software made by ENEA, Selex (Finmeccanica) and partners from Europe and Israel
Completely conceived and made in Italy is the software that can detect and control cyber attacks, strengthening security measures and the prompt reaction of network infrastructures. The software has been developed under a European project involving ENEA along with SELEX and several partners, including Israel’s national electrical utility.
Activities in this sector did start several years ago with the European project ‘MICIE’, and are following up with the new CockpitCI project, focused on cyber security ( and aimed at the prompt detection, analysis and mitigation of cyber attacks on SCADA systems.
As regards security, ENEA develops systems and sensors for: the detection of conventional explosives and IED (improvised explosive devices) precursors, radioactive material used for terrorist attacks (dirty bombs) and biohazard material; the protection of critical transport infrastructures (railways, roads, ports and airport hubs), energy distribution networks, IT networks, cyber security, control systems for border protection and automated systems for interventions under environmental and terrorist emergencies.
In the framework of the first European projects funded by PARS, activities are carried out under NATO Science for Peace and EDA projects, along with consulting activities on these very issues within an expert network for DG Home. ENEA’s activities are supported by the major international institutions and in partnership with FINMECCANICA companies (CREO; SELEX, …).
“Against cyber attacks, the ability to manage the event and protect key services of network infrastructures is crucial to ensure that the country does not go on the blink. Hence – says Michele Minichino, ENEA researcher – it is worth stressing the importance of advanced systems, just as the software developed under CockpitCI, to reduce the risk of cyber attacks on SCADA (Supervision And Data Acquisition) systems, which are the brain of infrastructures’’, thus maximizing the efficiency of network infrastructures. The final results of the project and software demonstration will be presented in Israel at the end of February; together with Israel’s provider ENEA is also evaluating the opportunity for further developments in the field of Critical Infrastructures Protection and the possible extension of the software to the integrated risk management for interdependent urban infrastructures – such as the active electric grid, and water and gas networks, which are the backbone of smart cities– with an all-hazard approach (physical and cyber attacks, adverse weather events, natural disasters, human errors, technological failures…).
Source: Michele Minichino, ENEA -