Smart city: ENEA presents innovative models for public services saving up to 500 millions


PELL ProjectRemodeling cities and territories in a smart perspective through a profound change in the management of infrastructures and strategic public services, with savings up to almost half a billion euro for lighting in Italian Municipalities. This is the ENEA proposal with the digital PELL platform, chosen by CONSIP for monitoring consumption and quantifying savings on the PA Electronic Market (MePA) and selected as a best practice to improve the European energy policy as part of a collaboration agreement between the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (AgID) and the Joint Research Centre (JRC).

PELL is a digital platform for data collection, surveys, energy consumption diagnostics, performance analysis of public lighting systems, replicable to all strategic PA services.  Constant monitoring and performance evaluation, make it possible to deeply innovate public lighting management, a sector that consumes 5.9 TWh per year at a cost of around 1 billion euro. The upgrading of the national public lighting system, through efficiency interventions aiming at replacing lighting technologies and management approaches (such as remote control) would make it possible to reduce energy consumption by more than a third, with savings of approximately 500 million euro and 1 million tons less CO2 emissions.

"The outcome of a constant collaboration, evaluation and sharing of results with sector stakeholders, PELL is a tool to assess the 'health' of strategic infrastructures and territorial management, thanks to the uniform and updated knowledge of the infrastructure, its consumption and costs, also in response to an ever increasing demand for transparency and monitoring of the quality of services and types of services offered at national level and beyond ”, Nicoletta Gozo of the  ENEA Smart Energy Division pointed out.

The project was presented in Rome at the workshop "Digital Innovation of the Urban Regeneration Process - Public Lighting and Public Energy Living Lab" which brought together representatives of institutions, companies, associations and the scientific community, including the Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Mattia Fantinati. In addition to the ENEA PELL platform, it provides for the implementation of other tools financed by the Electrical System Research of the Ministry of Economic Development, such as “SmartItaly Goal”, a project aimed at creating a national urban regeneration roadmap, envisaging a process of innovation of the strategic services of the Public Administration.

“Replicable to other key infrastructures, PELL is the ENEA operational tool par excellence for the innovation of public lighting management, on which the technologies for this transformation are based, and through which indispensable data and information to innovate management models and urban services are conveyed ", Mauro Annunziato, Head of the ENEA Smart Energy Division concluded.


For more information please contact:

Mauro Annunziato, ENEA - Head Smart Energy Division,

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