Space: Hi-tech garden to grow vegetables on the Moon and Poles


A hi-tech garden to grow micro-vegetables on the moon and in extreme environments like the poles, set up inside a special “igloo greenhouse” designed to withstand very low temperatures. But also simulated space missions thanks to advanced immersive virtual reality techniques. It’s the challenge of V-GELM (Virtual Greenhouse Experimental Lunar Module), an experimental project aimed at  developing a lunar cultivation module by combining innovative hydroponic cultivation techniques with virtual experiments to ameliorate the life of astronauts in future long-term missions. The project will be implemented by a team of ENEA researchers and students from the Interdepartmental Center for Building Environment Restoration (CITERA) and from Rome University La Sapienza  and  Tuscia University.

Virtual reconstruction of the growth of micro-vegetables in the Hort3 prototype
V-GELM has been selected among the best projects conducted by university teams from all over the world as part of the IGLUNA 2020 mission of the European Space Agency (ESA).

The project is divided into two phases: the first has involved students and researchers, in collaboration with Mars Planet Society, for the architectural and functional design of spaces simulated through immersive virtual reality techniques. In the second,  hydroponic cultivation of two particular varieties of radish, Daikon and Rioja, will be tested in Hort3,  -the innovative ENEA garden- inside a particular tent called "EGG" because of its egg shape, created by the University of Milan.

Access corridor to the lunar greenhouse created in virtual reality
"The virtual experiment will provide the public with a realistic and interactive perspective suitable for simulating environments, the operations to be performed and carrying out ergonomic analyses, making it possible to identify possible critical issues from their onset and reduce costs of space modules and training time of astronauts ", Luca Nardi of the ENEA Biotechnology Laboratory pointed out. The module developed by ENEA as part of the project Hortspace, funded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI), is a closed-cycle hydroponic multi-level cultivation system of 1 m3  with LED lighting  where various species of micro-vegetables are grown, specially selected to reach the ideal growth stage when consumed within 10-15 days.

Lunar greenhouse module created in virtual reality
"It is a soilless cultivation system with water recycling, without the use of pesticides and agrochemicals, capable of guaranteeing the crew engaged in space missions high quality fresh food and correct nutritional intake - Luca Nardi of the ENEA Biotechnology Laboratory explained – with the additional psychological benefit provided by growing plants in confined environments, like in future extraterrestrial bases or in extreme environments, such as hot and cold deserts”.



For more information please contact:

Luca Nardi, ENEA – Biotechnologies Laboratory,

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