The ENEA’s Annual Report on Energy Efficiency presented at the European Parliament

On the 10 of July 2018, at the European Parliament in Brussels, ENEA presented the 7th Italian Annual Report on energy efficiency, in the presence of the Italian Undersecretary for the Economic development, Davide Crippa and the ENEA’s President, Federico Testa

The following speakers attended the event, hosted by Simona Bonafé (MEP): Patrizia Toia (MEP), Theresa Griffin (MEP), Dario Tamburrano  (MEP), Dominique Ristori, Director General of DG ENER, European Commission, and Giorgio Fontana, Head of Energy Services of Eni Gas e Luce.

The Report, published every year, takes stock of the Italian energy efficiency policies and evaluates the achieved results, in a European perspective.

In this respect, energy efficiency is at the highest priority for the European Union, as also confirmed by the adoption of the legislative package ‘Clean Energy for All Europeans’ and in particular of the two revised Directives on Energy Efficiency and Energy Performance in Buildings, in lines with the 2030 climate and energy objectives.

The workshop highlighted a series of actions adopted and implemented by ENEA, which have positive effects on energy consumption reduction, on the security and smart management of public and private buildings, as well as in fighting the energy poverty, a crosscutting problem in Europe that affects the weakest part of the population.

The aforesaid policies and actions, in line with the EU decarbonisation policy and objectives, have led Italy to reach a high level of energy efficiency, placing the country among the most virtuous European member states in this field.





Annual Report Energy Efficiency 2018 - Executive Summary