C10, C11, C20, C21

Advanced Service Available


Innovations and Benefits

Preparation and/or processing of materials deriving from agro-industrial production is carried out by using several facilities, at bench- and pilot-scales, for crushing, grinding, mixing, vacuum evaporation, drying,  freeze-drying,  sample division, size separation, bottling, packaging, labeling, etc. The temperature is lower than 40 °C at all stages of the process, to avoid the thermolabile compounds degradation. Highly homogeneous and stable materials  can be prepared under controlled conditions of temperature, pressure or covering atmosphere.


Treatment of solid and liquid matrices deriving from agricultural, agri-food and agro-industrial sectors, including waste, by-products and wastewater (food and vegetable matrices, waste from citrus fruit, olive-growing, wine-making and dairy industries, etc.), in order to stabilize the obtained products and to recover fractions and/or molecules with biological activity.

Applications and ongoing Activities

RS&T activities in collaboration with SMEs and Research Institutions by Contract and/or Joint Projects drafted in response to regional/national calls and EU measures. Some of the activities are addressed in: preparation of lyophilized materials from bergamot juice or tomato derivatives for the enrichment in substances with pharmacological activity, and the stabilization/preparation of mixtures for food and/or pharmaceutical uses. It is also possible to prepare the materials in the form of tablets. Moreover, technical and economic feasibility  assessments of the process are carried out.


CUSTOM The service can be flexibly adapted to different needs and contexts

Contact person

“If you are interested in this technology/service, please send a message to, by specifying the title of the technology/service of your interest, the reason for your request and your contacts or the contacts of a person from your organization/company.