Collaboration with offices related to other institutions

As well as ENEA, many Italian and European organisations have liaison offices in Brussels. With all of them, ENEA is seeking to encourage collaborations in order to foster projects’ partnerships and future strategies.

Our office in Brussels is a member of IGLO (Informal Group of Liaison Offices), a body composed by all European liaison offices. IGLO provides partners’ search facility and creates research thematic working groups in order to encourage the exchange of information, in particular those related to the 7th Framework Programme of RTD.

The office is also member of GII (Italian Initiative Group), an organism made of all the Italian institutions represented in Brussels. Coordinated by the Italian Embassy, the GII holds a strategically importance because it is the main point of contact between ENEA and the main Italian industries (FIAT, Ferrovie dello Stato, Unioncamere, etc) here in Brussels.