Jul 30, 2020
The Assobiotec-ENEA report "Biotechnology companies in Italy" has been presented, highlighting a sector on the rise with approximately 700 companies at the end of 2019.
It's a sector that in the first few months of 2020 has shown all its worth and potential by responding to the health emergency caused by the spread of Sars-Cov2 and it’s increasingly becoming a key technology for a sustainable economic recovery of the country.
Jul 30, 2020
The European project VIDIS kicks off, with the objective of improving and sharing air quality monitoring techniques. ENEA is among the participants together with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT - Australia), the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU - Norway) and the Vinča Institute (Serbia) in the role of coordinator.
Jul 30, 2020
The European Researchers' Night this year includes the new project "NET" (scieNcE Together), with the objective of creating an active network among science, culture and society.
The event has been a fixed appointment every last Friday of September since 2005; This year, due to the COVID-19 emergency, it will take place on Friday 27 November, but NET's preparatory events will start as early as this summer.
Jul 16, 2020
A hi-tech garden to grow micro-vegetables on the moon and in extreme environments like the poles, set up inside a special “igloo greenhouse” designed to withstand very low temperatures. But also simulated space missions thanks to advanced immersive virtual reality techniques. It’s the challenge of V-GELM (Virtual Greenhouse Experimental Lunar Module), an experimental project aimed at developing a lunar cultivation module by combining innovative hydroponic cultivation techniques with virtual experiments to ameliorate the life of astronauts in future long-term missions.
Jul 16, 2020
The European project 'Blue Deal' kicks off, with the objective of spreading "customized” technologies and solutions to exploit energy from the sea in Mediterranean countries. The project comprises 13 partners, including ENEA and University of Siena (coordinator) from Italy , Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Albania, Croatia and Malta.
Jul 16, 2020
ENEA takes action against cyanobacteria, the so-called green-blue algae, and microplastics, the two emergencies which affect lakes in Italy and throughout the world, with effects on human health, ecosystems, quality of drinking water and economic activities. The activities are part of the projects BlooWater and Blue Lakes, coordinated respectively by ENEA and Legambiente.
Jul 16, 2020
To develop innovative strategies and technological solutions to improve resilience to climate change and extreme events in areas considered vulnerable in the artistic, historical and cultural districts of four pilot cities, one of which is the municipality of Camerino. This is the objective of the project ARCH (Advancing Resilience of historic areas against Climate-related and other Hazards, https://savingculturalheritage.eu/) funded by the Horizon 2020 Programme and coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute IAIS and realized, for the Italian part, by ENEA, INGV, Municipality and University of Camerino.
Jul 16, 2020
ENEA researcher Marialaura Di Somma, specialized in energy sources of the future, is among the 40 most influential Italian under 40 talents selected by the magazine Fortune Italia, the prestigious magazine with a focus on economics and finance, which reported the news in the July issue.
Jul 16, 2020
The Covid-19 emergency did not prevent the research vessel Alliance from sailing from La Spezia to the Arctic Ocean to carry out the research campaign of the "HIGH NORTH" 20 program, organized by the Italian Navy and the Hydrographic Institute of Genoa ( IIM), in collaboration with national and international research institutions (ENEA, CNR, INGV, OGS, NATO STO-CMRE, ERI and JRC) and private industry (e-GEOS).
Jul 02, 2020
Assessing quantity and quality of groundwater in small islands and make it immediately usable in a sustainable way by the population during droughts or in case of great tourist pressure is now possible thanks to a study conducted by ENEA in Favignana, in the Egadi archipelago in Sicily.
Jul 02, 2020
An international research team, comprising ENEA, Academy of Sciences - Institute of medicinal plants (China) and University of Buffalo (United States) has decoded the DNA of Gardenia jasminoides, a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine that produces crocins, pharmacologically important pigments also found in saffron stigmas.
Jul 02, 2020
Using "molecular farming" technologies based on plants to manufacture the latest generation of veterinary vaccines with cheaper and faster procedures. This is the objective of the international project AVIAMED (Prevention and control of avian viral diseases of the Mediterranean area with vaccines produced in plants), coordinated by ENEA and funded by the European research program ERANET Arimnet2 and by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies. The 'green' vaccines produced in plants will allow to fight avian diseases widespread in countries bordering the Mediterranean basin.
Jul 02, 2020
Making available to policy makers, institutions and companies analyses and assessments on the economic and social impacts of a transition to a low carbon economy in areas characterized by high levels of climate-changing emissions.
Jul 02, 2020
37 members of universities, sectoral agencies, business support organizations, SMEs, interests groups and national public authorities, gathered to celebrate the first virtual BLUE DEAL Testing Lab.
Jun 18, 2020
With about 5 million euro per year of public investments in marine energy technologies, Italy ranks first among the Mediterranean countries and second in Europe, just after the UK, as shown by the first report of the European project OceanSET 2020, which analyzed investments and technological development of 11 European countries.
Jun 18, 2020
Supporting member states in establishing and improving effective policies for SMEs to undergo energy audits and implement cost-effective recommended energy-saving measures. This is the priority of LEAP4SME Linking Energy Audit Policies to enhance and support SMEs towards energy efficiency- funded under the Horizon 2020 programme.
Jun 18, 2020
The core of another ITER superconducting magnet has been completed in compliance with COVID-19 regulations, and its transport will be conducted in line with the new protocols. The massive piece of equipment departed from the ASG Superconductors factory, La Spezia, to be delivered to Marghera where it will go through the final steps of manufacturing.
Jun 18, 2020
Eco-sustainable beach furniture in line with anti-Covid19 regulations, but also research dissemination meetings, educational tours for young children and 'guidelines' to encourage using the beach, safeguard coastal ecosystems and valorise natural resources.
Jun 18, 2020
To focus on collaborative research to achieve the agrofood objectives across multiple goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda: this is the core message of the webinar recently organized by FAO and ENEA to take stock of the fallouts of the Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2018 between FAO and CNR, CREA, ENEA and ISPRA. In particular, the virtual meeting allowed to share the results of the research work carried out by the visiting scientists from Africa to ENEA in the context of ENEA collaboration with TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences) and in the field of microbiome application for sustainable agri-food systems
Jun 04, 2020
From research comes a green solution to ensure safe distancing at the beach in the COVID-19 post-emergency phase. The idea is to use Posidonia oceanica, a marine plant present in large quantities on the Mediterranean shores, to create ecological safety barriers. The innovative solution - developed by ENEA in collaboration with the company Ecofibra - consists of dividing panels padded with dried Posidonia to separate umbrellas and create access paths to water, in line with current health regulations.