Addressing climate change and migration through energy transition at 5th MEDENER conference


At the 5th MEDENER International Conference on Energy Transition 'Addressing climate change and migration in the Mediterranean region through energy transition', held in Lisbon, ENEA President Federico Testa talked in the section "Overview of the challenges”. Organized in the frame of the ENEA presidency of MEDENER (Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Conservation), in close cooperation with the Portuguese National Energy Agency ADENE, the event intended to discuss how to address climate change and migration through energy transition, in particular by strengthening regional cooperation in the fields of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, thus contributing to security of energy supply, climate change mitigation, sustainable and inclusive growth. ENEA has been elected Chair of MEDENER, the Association of national Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Agencies of the Mediterranean Region for 2017-2018.