Aerospace: Italy, call for proposals to increase business competitiveness
A tender worth more than 4 million euro has been launched by the Regione Lazio[1] for companies and research organizations in the aerospace sector, which will have time until June 25 to present project proposals. Information on how to participate was given in Rome at the workshop “Lazio 2030 Cluster Networking Day”. ENEA (leader), Italian Space Agency (ASI), National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) and Hypatia Consortium, as key Research Organizations (OCR) will collect the most innovative and promising projects, with the aim of increasing the opportunities for the technological development of companies through new connections with public and private universities and research centers with significant scientific and technological expertise, also at international level.
For the presentation of the projects, the OCRs will also make available to companies and institutions a team of experts for all legal, technical and administrative aspects related to technology transfer. For ENEA the initiative is part of the actions aimed at strengthening the growth and competitiveness of Italian companies through technology transfer and collaboration in research and development activities.
In particular, ENEA has recently launched the Knowledge Exchange Program (KEP), developed in collaboration with the CNA, Confapi, Confartigianato, Confindustria and Unioncamere, which makes available to companies and associations which sign up, innovative 'tailor-made' solutions and use of state-of-the-art infrastructure; advice from dedicated researchers specialized in technology transfer; a 2.5 million euro fund for the development of joint projects; the dedicated portal with a selection of advanced technologies and services and information on how to register for the program.
For more information and to participate to the tender POR FESR Regione Lazio 2014-2020 – Strategic Projects:
For more information on how to join the Knowledge Exchange Program (KEP):