Agroindustry: ENEA part of EU project for common food safety strategy


Developing a common research and innovation strategy for food safety is the goal of FoodSafety4EU, a European project funded by the Horizon2020 program which brings together in a research consortium 23 partners from 12 countries, of which three from Italy: ENEA, CNR (coordinator) and APRE (Agency for the Promotion of European Research in Italy).

In three years, the project will deliver a 'multi-stakeholder' platform networking all national and international players operating in the field of food safety, from institutions to producers, from large-scale distribution to consumers.

"In addition to paving the way for a closer collaboration among all stakeholders and reducing the current fragmentation of skills and knowledge, the new platform will also act as a service center to ensure safety, health and quality in food matters", pointed out Claudia Zoani, researcher at the ENEA Biotechnology and Agro-industry Division and project manager for the Agency.

FoodSafety4EU will support the EU Commission and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA - European Food Safety Authority) face the main challenges of this sector, also through the formulation of recommendations. Thanks to this digital network, data and information will be made available ensuring transparency and increasing citizens-consumers’ trust.

'FoodSafety4EU' will also promote the integration of data and digital tools developed in the project and those of METROFOODan ESFRI research infrastructure coordinated by ENEA-  FNS-Cloud, all the resources for food safety and EFSA risk assessment.

Joint actions with the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI), A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (HDHL-JPI) and European Institute of Innovation & Technology-Food (EIT-Food) are also envisaged.

“Within this wide context all the actors involved will be committed to maximizing benefits and avoiding duplication. At the end of the project in 2023, we will try to transform this large community into a permanent food security forum ” Zoani concluded.

For more information please contact:

Claudia Zoani, ENEA - Biotechnologies and Agroindustry Division,


Twitter: @FS4EU


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