Circular economy: ENEA appointed by EU as national hub


ENEA has been appointed member of the Coordination Group of the European Stakeholder Platform on Circular Economy by the European Commission: “I’m glad to confirm that ENEA has been chosen as  national hub  in the European Platform on Circular Economy, with the task of disseminating the best implementation practices in the Country and promoting the exchange of best practices among the individual enterprises in our continent” Paola Migliorini, team leader Circular Economy at European Commission, Directorate General Environment, said.

Circular EconomyThe platform aims at strenghtening the interaction among stakeholders active on the theme of circular economy, identifying specific needs and promoting a cross-sectoral dialogue. The platform,  composed of 24 members from different countries, brings together representatives from public bodies, companies, trade unions, civil society, think tanks. “ENEA is one of the six representatives of the science community selected at the European level and, in addition to representing the world of research and innovation, is called to act (being the only italian member) as  interface  between the italian stakeholders in the circular economy sector and the European Commission. Its presence in this group is proof of the strong position ENEA has achieved at the international level on this strategic theme”, Laura Cutaia, at the ENEA Department of Sustainability of Productive and Territorial Systems, said.

ENEA launches SUN, the italian network for industrial symbiosis

ENEA has been the promoter of the constitution of the first italian network on industrial symbiosis, SUN- Symbiosis Users Network, of which is President.

Following the experience gained over the years, particularly the development of “Symbiosis”, the first industrial symbiosis Platform in Italy, ENEA aims at systematizing all the skills and competence at the national level through the involvement of stakeholders who, in various ways and with different roles, have had a part in the operational implementation of industrial symbiosis in Italy.

SUN was created to enhance the experience gained over the years on these topics, share them and collaborate for promoting their systematic application as well as circular economy models with particular regard to operational aspects such as regulations, technical standards and best practices.

The recently constituted network SUN is already in operation, with the participation of national institutions, universities, territorial organizations, ONLUS and consortia. SUN is open to the participation of other stakeholders (companies, associations, actors from education and research) willing to contribute with their professional skills and promote common initiatives for facilitating the application of industrial symbiosis in Italy.

For more information please contact:

Claudia Brunori, ENEA - Head Division of  Resource Efficiency and Closed Cycle