Circular economy: EU project to redesign companies' production systems


Raising awareness through training courses addressed at investors and companies to redefine production systems consistent with a circular economy approach. This is the main objective of the European project Circular Learning Hub (CL-Hub), funded by EIT Climate-KIC as part of the program Education and coordinated by Polytechnic University of Marche (UNVPM), with the participation of ENEA and AESS in Italy, Cleantech in Bulgaria and Athena Research Center in Greece.

"The project CL-Hub is based on an awareness-intention-action path which fosters companies and stakeholders from the world of finance to implement circular thinking in industrial production -to reduce waste and gas emissions from processing of materials- and the re-orientation of capitals towards circular models ”, Francesca Cappellaro, ENEA project manager for ENEA, pointed out.


For more information please contact:

Francesca Cappellaro, ENEA - Support for the Coordination of Circular Economy Activities,

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