Climate: European Project CRESCENDO on its way to ever more reliable future scenarios


Ever more reliable predictions of the Earth’s climate in the next decades, to design new adaptation strategies: these are the objectives of the European research project CRESCENDO (Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate; Experiment, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach) that has started in November.

The project, entirely financed by the European Commission within the program Horizon 2020 and coordinated by the University of Leeds (UK), includes ENEA among its leading partners.

CRESCENDO will enable ENEA researchers to use novel approaches for the analysis of historical simulations and future climate scenarios, with the aim of studying the specific relationship between the use of soil and climate change. “For the first time – the researcher Andrea Alessandri said – ENEA has the possibility to collaborate with the world’s leading climate research centers, contributing to the innovation of global climate modelling within the model simulations scenarios coordinated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Within the European studies on climate change, ENEA is among the founding members of the European Climate Research Alliance (ECRA) a network of 21 research institutions established in 2011. Besides being involved in challenges in climate change science, the network provides technical support in designing European climate policies and the main research topics in this field within “Horizon 2020”.

Under the Environment and Climate change theme within the 7h EU Framework Program, the research funding tool that preceded Horizon 2020, ENEA has participated in numerous projects both as coordinator (TYGRE and CLIM-RUN) and partner (aquaFit4Use, ICE2SEA, UMBRELLA, SPECS, EUPORIAS,IMPACT2C).

For more information please contact:

For CRESCENDO: Andrea Alessandri, ENEA Casaccia Research Center,

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